Manga Monday (10) : Horror Manga I want to read.

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Manga Monday! Since it's inching ever closer to Halloween I figured now would be the perfect time to share some stories that I've yet to read but sound delightfully disturbing to say the least. In no particular order, here are my choices: 1. Jisatsu Circle by Usamaru Furuya This series starts with 54 young women gleefully jumping in front of a train together and committing suicide. One girl name Saya Kota survives unharmed and becomes obsessed with death. She forms a Suicide Club and starts recruiting members to join. Her best friend Kyoko tries to stop her and the other members from completing their task of committing suicide. However, Kyoko quickly realizes other forces much stronger than her don't want that to happen. If this plot seems familiar it is. This manga is based on the 2001 Japanese film Suicide Club by Sion Sono. The Manga differentiates from the film by adding a survivor to unravel the very complicated plot...