Book Trailer Tuesday (105) Top Ten Favorite Book Trailers of 2014
For my Final Trailer Tuesday of 2014 I want to take a look back at the past year and share my favorite Book Trailers released this year. As many of you know I love Book trailers and when done right they can create that much more anticipation and excitement for me in conjunction with the normal promotional stuff. I want to say a big Thank you to all the people who continue putting out High Quality Book trailers. I really appreciate the time, thought and creativity put into them and look forward to each new one I find. So let's get started, shall we! 10.) Uninvited by Sophie Jordan 9.) Half Bad by Sally Green 8.) Bird Box by Josh Malerman 7.) Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick 6.) Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant 5.) Monument 14: Savage Drift by Emmy Laybourne 4.) Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers 3.) Dystopia by Anthony Ergo 2.) The School For Good & Evil: A World Without Princes by Soman Chanani And last up is..... *drumr...