Armchair BEA- Non-Fiction

Design credit: Sarah of Puss Reboots When it comes to Non-Fiction I actually do tend to read quite a bit of it. Since I was a young child I've read dozens of books focusing on plagues and zoonotic diseases. I find the subject matter fascinating and of course anyone who knows me can see the direct correlation between those and my love of Zombies as well. Some of my favorites include: One of my all time favorite Non-Fiction books on the subject is called The Hot Zone. If you've never read it you're missing out. The book is an eye opening account of what could happen if a deadly virus escaped amongst the populace. Think Stephen King's The Stand or Robin Cook's Outbreak except you know this time it is real. In the same vein as books about diseases and plagues I also tend to gravitate toward Non-Fiction books based on Disasters. Although don't you dare try to put Alive in this list. I loathe that book with a fiery vengeance. Being forced to read it ...