Freebie Friday (1)

I am so excited to be Posting my first Freebie Friday. I have found so many new Authors through Free Book deals. Many of whom I probably never would of come in contact with had I not snagged their book free in the first place. All you have to do is click on a Title and it will take you to the purchase page.

What is Freebie Friday? Freebie Friday is a weekly Blog post Hosted by me at Blood Sweat and Books. Each week I will round up a sampling of all the Free Books I Found. This not only helps you find new books but also helps you find new Authors to try as well. If you find a book I might like or you'd think others would enjoy feel free to put a link in the comments down below.

Alone in snowy, remote Whistler village, Ana tries to build a new life since losing her parents. With a cozy condo, a sweet-faced bulldog and an evening job to leave the days free for the slopes, life slips into a great routine. If only she could shake the guilt for not remembering anything about her parents and banish the night terrors that haunt her every dream.

Al Qaeda plans to attack Minnesota's Prairie River Nuclear Power Plant as a means to return the down-trodden terrorist organization to international prominence.In addition to their own devoted forces, the terrorists enlist some homegrown anarchists, and a Three Mile Island survivor with a pathological vendetta against the nuclear establishment, to assist in the assault. James "Beck" Becker is a former elite U.S. government intelligence operative who has retired to his childhood hometown of Red Wing, Minnesota -- just six miles down the Mississippi from the Prairie River nuclear facility.

The war is over and the Vampires have won. The drying up of the world's oil resources leads to the fabled End of Days. Technology stagnates and communities grow ever more insular. With communication between cities lost and attention turned inward, the vampires rise from the shadows where they have survived for centuries and sweep across the globe. By the time word spreads it is far too late and Vampires enslave humanity and keep them in walled cities to breed.

Evangeline has spent her teenage years in obscurity. Her foster parents have the emotional aptitude of robots and her classmates barely acknowledge her existence. About to turn eighteen and feeling like a social pariah, she is desperate to connect with someone. Anyone.
When Evangeline meets Sophie after literally stumbling upon her cafĂ©, she believes she’s found that connection. Willing to do anything to keep it, she accepts a job as Sofie’s assistant and drops everything to fly to Manhattan, where she is thrust into a luxurious world of Prada, diamonds, and limitless cash.

While talking to his friend, Jeff, on the phone Mark Stone hears a cacophony of otherworldly screams. Seconds later, Jeff is tragically killed in an accident. Mark experiences the screams several more times and each time they are followed by an untimely death. Battling his own failure as a husband and struggling with a damaged faith, Mark embarks on a mission to find the meaning behind the screams and hopefully stop death from calling on its next victim.

A mistake was made, unleashing Titans and Demons into our universe.
As creatures from the Abyss and the Chaos Realm lay claim to our reality, the walls separating the three realms begin to fail. Earth falls before a Titan invasion and the survivors of humanity flee to another world.
On the eastern edges of the Great Forest, ruled by goblin clans and goblin gods, three gateways open.Welcome to Aurora, where gods and mortals wage war for survival.

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)


  1. Ok so I am armed with more books and hopefully there is no limit to however many books can be held on my Kindle app account. :)

    I think the most interesting one to me seems to be Awakening. I have a lot of reading to do!

    1. OH I certainly hope they never put a cap. I'd be doomed to just buy another lol.


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