Paradox Special Edition by Patti Roberts

Published: Dec 05 2011
ISBN: 1468026615
EAN13: 9781468026610
Page Count: 576
Author: Patti Roberts
Language: English

Note: This version includes Book 1 (Novella) The Angels are here and Book 2 (Novel) A Progeny of Innocence.

From Smashwords:
My name is Juliette, and this is my story. Nine hundred years ago, I died.

Today, I am alive...

This is not a story about Vampires. However, we are talking about a predatory being that existed long before the word Vampire was ever whispered... the real monsters behind the legendary Vampire myths that reigned in Ancient times. They were a race of Fallen Angels called Grigorians.

Grace is a little girl on a journey of self discovery. A journey that she is struggling to understand as she deals with the catastrophic events that are forcing their way into her otherwise seemingly normal, if not sometimes, strange world.

She finds herself trapped in a nightmare, consumed by her paralyzing loss and overwhelming grief. The haunting visions and untimely deaths of others are a constant reminder that life and death are only a heartbeat away.

A journey crossing Two Worlds. One Ancient - One New.

How do the heartbreaking visions experienced by a little girl fit into this Ancient World of Angels, Myth & Legend?

Grace's story will indeed leave you asking... Who, When, Where...What?

I received this book from the Author after requesting it to review. I so glad that I did. This book had me sucked in from the very first page. The Book(s) chronicle the everlasting struggle between good and evil, hope and despair.

Their is no easy explanation of the plot and characters because it is so complex and the list of characters so many. Basically the Book is split between focusing on two warring houses of Angels, The Bulguardians and The Grigorians. Both Houses are in a struggle to become strongest and rule over the human realm below. The War has raged on for Centuries with no clear winner in sight. The other storyline takes place in the mortal realm with the focus on a Girl named Grace and her struggles with Death, Love, Happiness and Sanity.

Since I read both books in one shot I didn't have time to really ponder events between the First and Second Book. The Book spends a good bit of time bouncing between centuries and swapping narrators but it is in no way confusing, a credit to the very brilliant writing of the Author. The First Book The Angels Are Here is a Novella and only around 50 pages. Grace is a child in this book so we see her world through those eyes. For much of the first book Grace is watched over by an Angel named Hope. Grace believes Hope to be an imaginary playmate and after suffering a great tragedy dismisses Hope from her life burying the memories of her. Once we reach the second book Progeny of Innocence she is a teenager struggling with events of her childhood. Once you mix in hormones, boys and a peculiar best friend you have the basis of book 2.

I really loved this book. The writing between both books was spot on. You could tell the Author really spent time researching not only the Historical events portrayed but also the centuries those events happened in. I enjoyed how the book introduced you to the characters. That can really make me dislike a book. Here we have back story and continuing growth of the characters as well. I also enjoyed the Villains (Grigorians) these aren't your sparkly, sweep you off your feet "vampires". Sure they are gorgeous but they are deadly as well. They add quite a bit of death and destruction to the book but that is what makes their characters so great! Overall I highly recommend you buy this book which is why I am rating it 5 ★★★★★

Don't want to buy the book or still unsure if it's as good as I said. Well then enter my giveaway and get an E-copy generously provided by the Author Free!


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