Waiting On Wednesday (13)

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine. For this week's Waiting On Wednesday I chose *drumroll* Exhale by Kendall Grey
Expected publication: July 11,2012
Publisher: Howling Mad Press
Want to learn more about the Just Breathe trilogy? Click Here

Why Am I waiting?

Not much is known about this book yet but who cares. I really liked the first in the series Inhale (Review Here) and am ready to dive into the next. I want to learn more about the dreaming and how all the different elementals came to be. Since now I know what's going on, I expect it to be a highly enjoyable read.

Plus all profits from the sales of INHALE, EXHALE, and JUST BREATHE will be donated to programs that educate people about whales and the challenges they face. How cool is that?

That wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday, leave me the link to yours so I can check it out as well! Have you heard of this book before? Have you read Inhale? Let me Know In The Comments Below! I love reading your responses.


  1. Very cool that the profits are donated! I haven't read the first book but they sound neat!
    My WOW

  2. That is great that the profits will help whales. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Aww... I really want to read Inhale first before this. Added to my TBR pile! Awesome pick! :D

    Thanks for dropping by my WoW! :D

  4. Love that the profits are being donated! I haven't read the first book, but I'm definitely intrigued!

    Here’s my WoW post. Happy Wednesday! :D

  5. Great pick! I loved Inhale so much. And I love Kendall. I'm dying to read Exhale. What a gorgeous cover. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I like that they are donating the profits! I haven't had a chance to read Inhale, but the covers are gorgeous!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Doodle @ Doodle's Book Blog

  7. Going to have to dig into your review of Inhale but this sounds like a good add for my own list.

    My WoW

    @TCAbn The Motley Chronicles

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I thank you if you take the time to read my review.

  8. I haven't read Inhale either, but if the cover isn't enough to sell me I'm not sure what will, haha. I'm a sucker for pretty covers.. But anywho, I'll definitely check out Inhale and thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Inhale is definitely an Adult book, with some very HOT Dream scenes.

  9. I haven't read the first book but I know quite a few bloggers who did and enjoyed it immensely. I hope you enjoy this new one. :)

    Here's my Waiting on Wednesday

    Lauren @ Slaying Books

  10. Ohh holy this book sounds promising! Maybe I add it to my never ending book list.


    Valery The Book Of Owl's Im a new blogger so please feel free of leaving any advice or recommendation!

  11. Woah! That's one pretty cover. and it's nice that the sales go to a good cause.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project


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