Waiting On Wednesday (17)

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine. For this week's Waiting On Wednesday I chose *drumroll* Adaptation by Malinda Lo.

Expected Publication: September 18,2012

Reese and David don’t remember what happened to them after a bird flew into their headlights on the Extraterrestrial Highway--not the resulting car accident and certainly not a bit of the 21 days of care at the military hospital in Nevada. It’s a good thing, the doctors and colonels tell them, that they crashed on a military base, but they won’t tell Reese and David what the extent of their injuries were, or how they were healed. They do tell them they’re not going home, though, until they sign a confidentiality agreement.

When they get home, Reese can’t help but find everything a little weird. Worldwide bird strikes resulting in plane crashes have grounded air travel, David won’t talk to her, and she could swear she’s seen her military doctors around the neighborhood. It’s only when she meets Amber Grey that things in her life begin to really fall apart, and the mysteries of the bird strikes, the military, and her own treatment come together. Reese realizes that she must find out what they did to her in that hospital, but her search for the truth threatens to expose a vast global conspiracy that the government has worked for decades to keep secret.

What if we aren’t alone in the universe? What if the alien is inside us?

Publisher: Little Brown Books
ISBN: 0316197963 (ISBN13: 9780316197960)
Goodreads Page: Click Here

Why Am I Waiting?

This book may not have the best rating so far on Goodreads atm but it's not enough to detract me from wanting to read this book. I love Alien Conspiracies and this definitely sounds right up my alley. Plus I love the whole idea that Aliens might reside in us all, definitely reminds me of something the X-Files would cook up.

That wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday, leave me the link to yours so I can check it out as well! Have you heard of this book before? Do you believe Aliens exist? Let me Know In The Comments Below! I love reading your responses.


  1. I love alien books! Plus government conspiracies and that last line about the alien might be inside them?! Very intrigued.
    My WOW

    1. It's been awhile since I've read a good alien conspiracy so I think that is why I gravitated to the title when I saw it.

  2. Ooh great pick! I can't wait to read this one too :P I reaaally like the cover for this one for some reason.

    - Kim
    My WoW

  3. Cool. Thx for stopping by. (New Follower).

  4. Oooh this book looks really good! Can't wait for this one to come out! The cover is interesting too. Great pick and thanks for sharing!! :)

    My WoW

  5. I love aliens! There need to be more stories with aliens in them! Not just space travel but ALIENS, too! :) Thanks for sharing...I hadn't heard of this one. And I miss the X-Files. :(

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW post! (Don't worry, I'm a total cover whore, too! :D) Happy Wednesday! :D

    1. I miss X-Files as well it was such a great show.

  6. Oh, great pick! This is new to me and it sounds really interesting. :D

    My WoW

  7. Is the first time that I heard of it and the story sounds interesing. I love aliens.
    thanks for sharing.
    My WOW

  8. This kind of reminds me of a graphic novel I read, Brain Camp. Sounds creepy. Thanks for stopping by!

    Anna @ Wandering Librarians

  9. Great pick! I already added it to my TBR pile :)

    Check out My WoW :)

    - Rachel

  10. This one definitely sounds intriguing. I haven't read much alien books besides I Am Number Four and Obsidian, but I'm open to it! I really like the summary to this one. I will add it to my GR! Thank you!

    Thanks for stopping by too <3
    Jessirae @ Words, Pages, and Books

  11. This sounds fascinating! I'll be sure to check it out.
    Thanks for stopping by MY WOW! earlier
    New follower! Yay!

  12. Nice pick. The story sounds pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

  13. That cover is so deliciously creepy! Awesome choice!

    And thanks so much for dropping by!


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