Top Ten Books I Regret Not Reading In 2012

Any of us who read books on a consistent basis will eventually find ourselves in the same predicament. So many books, so little time. We try to get them all in but sometimes it just doesn't happen. This year my list was or should I say is rather large but I whittled it down to the Top Ten that I really regret not reading this past year. I still plan to read these books in the future and you will probably see me talking about them quite soon but for now they either sit on a desk or Kindle neglected. So sorry you lovely books but I am only one person who just has not enough hours in the day to get to you all.

Anyway enough of my rambling.... In no particular order here are my Top Ten Books I Regret Not Reading In 2012:

10.)Enchanted by Alethea Kontis Released: May 8,2012

9.)Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout Released: September 18,2012

8.)Survive by Alex Morrel Released: August 2,1012

7.)Poseidon's Arrow by Clive Cussler Released: November 13,2012

6.)Scarecrow and The Army of Thieves by Matthew Reilly Released: January 3,2012

5.)Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne Released: June 5,2012
*Don't own but still regret not reading.

4.)The Walking Dead: Road to Woodbury by Robert Kirkman Released: October 16,2012

3.)The Alchemy Of Forever by Avery Williams Released: January 3,2012

2.)Partials by Dan Wells Released: February 28,2012

1.)Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo Released: June 5,2012

Well there ya go my Top Ten Books I Regret Not Reading In 2012. Have you read any of these? If so, Which ones? What Books do you regret not reading? Leave your answer in the comments below, I love reading your responses.


  1. I LOVED Shadow and Bone. And SURVIVE is a real tear-jerker. I recommend tem both!

    1. I hope to get both read in the beginning of next year. *fingers crossed*

  2. I read Enchanted and Partials, and they were both very good! I haven't gotten to Shadow & Bone or Monument 14 yet, those would probably be on my list, too! Also Reached by Ally Condie, The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan, The Enchantress by Michael Scott, and Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick. All of those I really need to reread the series before I can read them, that's why I've been putting them off!

    1. Reached is so good! The Enchantress is a book I want to read but I have to get caught up with the other books in the series first.


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