Just Breathe by Kendall Grey {Blog Tour + Guest Post}

Author: Kendall Grey
Publisher: Howling Mad Press
Series: Just Breathe
Buy It Today:

He made a deal with the devil to save the woman he loves…

After a terrible accident rocks the foundation of their relationship, Australian Sentinel Gavin Cassidy and whale biologist Zoe Morgan call it quits. Gavin can’t forgive himself for shattering her trust, and being with the sexy rock star is killing Zoe. Literally.

But love—and duty—are powerful motivators, and alliances are forged in the most unlikely places. With the key to salvation locked inside the mind of an unconscious child, Gavin must find another way to snuff out the Fyre Elementals before millions of humans die, or make good on his deal with the devil and lose the one he loves. Again.

Check out the Kendall Grey's Website for some truly awesome giveaways going on now!

Beyond Erotica Guest Post by Kendall Grey
Kristin: While this series does have a ton of steamy sexy awesomeness, I feel it is beyond just Erotica. An actual story exists, and it involves characters that we as readers care about. How do you balance the elements of sex and fantasy? How do you toe the line and make it pleasing for all readers vs. pigeon holing it into strictly Erotica?

When the idea for the JUST BREATHE Trilogy first came to me, I struggled with how to label its genre. I think of the books as 51% urban fantasy and 49% romance with a side of erotic garnish. Like a good banana split, it has lots of different flavors that cater to lots of audiences.

Many readers have commented on how steamy my sex scenes are, but this series is far from erotica. In fact, there are only two full-blown love scenes between Gavin and Zoe in INHALE, three in EXHALE, and three in JUST BREATHE. Sex isn’t the focus of the trilogy. Story is.

While I enjoy reading erotica, it’s not my favorite genre. I’m a romantic at heart and want characters to get a Happily Ever After. In erotica, that doesn’t always happen because those stories tend to be more about personal discovery than romance. Nothing wrong with that. I just enjoy the “lovey-dovey” parts more than the sex parts.

By the same token, I enjoy reading fantasy, but I like it spicy. Epic tomes like “The Lord of the Rings” are awesome to a wide range of readers, but they don’t really appeal to me because there’s not much romance in them.

In addition to my love of romance, I also adore rich stories. When I read a book, I want to immerse myself in a completely different world with a unique set of problems. I crave plots that leave me guessing, breathless, and hungry for more. Stories with unique world-building have always appealed to me. I like to unravel layers and discover meaning beneath the surface, not have an author shove a spoonful of tired plot with no real conflict into my mouth and expect me to swallow it without wincing. I’ve read too many books that don’t require a single neuron to fire between chapter 1 and “The End.” They have their place, but they’re not for me.

I tried to balance a fantasy setting, an intelligent plot, a love story, and steamy sex in this trilogy because that’s what I want to read. It’s certainly not for everyone, and you can’t shove the books into a single genre. I guess the JUST BREATHE Trilogy is really just a mash-up of all my favorite flavors. Not everyone likes chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry mixed together, but for those who do, a banana split will meet your needs pretty well. I hope JUST BREATHE delivers a good balance between the genres for those people who like a little variety in their books.

Author Info & Links:
Word diddler and whale warrior, Kendall was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She’s been called the “Flux Capacitor of Twitter” and “A little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper,” but she’s really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head. She writes urban fantasy romance and dabbles in erotica and horror on occasion. Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, but don’t hold that against her.

Website/ Twitter/ Goodreads

All profits from the sales of INHALE, EXHALE, and JUST BREATHE will be donated to whale education.


  1. Kendall, I think you do a great job balancing the sex and fantasy in your novels with a great story! I love your books and can't wait to see what else is coming from you!

  2. I never really thought of the series as erotica. Probably because the sex *is* secondary, though it does serve to move the plot forward. You've done an excellent job with balancing all your elements.

  3. Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read, =)
    Happy Thursday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com


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