Weekly Wrap Up (27)

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,bought,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

Netgalley/Edelweiss/E-Books to Review

Shymers by Jen Naumann

The Day Zombies Ruined My Perfectly Boring Life by Jen Naumann

Hidden Gates by D.T. Dyllin

*Thank You Jen Naumann and D.T. Dyllin for providing copies to review!

Books Won/Gifted

Pursuer by Monique Morgan

Rise Of The Infected by Monique Morgan

The Tenth Plague by Adam Blumer

*I won Pursuer from a Librarything Giveaway and then the Author gifted Rise Of The Infected as well! I won the Tenth Plague from Librarything as well.

Free/E-Books Purchased

The Scarlet Dagger by Krystel Jones

Solitary by Travis Thrasher

Deep Blue Secret by Christie Anderson

Nolander by Becca Mills

Books Reviewed

Exhale by Kendall Grey

The Intercept by Dick Wolf

Release by M.R. Merrick

After: The Shock by Scott Nichols


I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews or leave a comment,I thank you. Like what you see, please share. I really appreciate when you do!


  1. Wow, that's kind of an epic haul! :) I haven't seen very many of these around, but they all look great. Also, congrats on your blogoversary!!!! Happy reading!

  2. I got Hidden Gates too! Sooo excited to start.. also.. WOW that's alot of books >.<

    1. Is it?? I felt like I had a light week. Cannot wait to start reading Hidden Gates as well.


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