Booking Through Thursday (23)

BTT Asks: What are you reading right now? (And, is it good? Would you recommend it? How did you choose it?

Nothing, zip, zilch. I haven't decided which book I want to read next. I'm having trouble picking between The Murmurings,The Nightmare Affair and Taken. Last book I finished was Monday and that was The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter. I would recommend it. I felt the ending to the series was satisfying even though I'll still hold out hope for a peek back into the world down the road. I chose The Goddess Inheritance simply because it sounded good at the time. That is pretty much all it came down to.


Now for my questions:

What book are you currently reading?
Out of the three mentioned above, Which book should I read next??
Leave me your answers in the comments below. I love reading your responses!

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  1. I don't know anything about the three books you mentioned, so if you'd like an uneducated response, I think you should read The Nightmare Affair. I like the title. ☺

  2. I recently finished The Nightmare Affair. It was good. Taken looks interesing. If i were you, that's what I would read next. =)
    I'm about to start Goddess Interrupted shortly and I'm glad the last book in the series is good!
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm following you via GFC and Networked Blogs!

    1. I've heard Taken is really good, thanks for the input. Thank you for the follows as well :)

  3. I know the feeling of not knowing which book to choose next -- whatever you pick, I hope you enjoy it! I haven't read the Goddess books yet, I really need to get around to it, I see them everywhere! Thanks for stopping by my BTT post, too! :-) I'm a new follower here, now!

    1. I definitely recommend them if you like Greek Mythology at all. Thank you for the follow!

  4. Sometimes I hate that in-between books moment, and other times it's so full of anticipation I love it! I hope whichever one you pick is terrific.

  5. I'm not familiar with any of those so I really can't make a recommendation! Sometimes it's hard to make a decision when you're in between books.
    2 Kids and Tired Books BTT

  6. The Goddess Inheritance sounds like something I'd like to read. Both 'goddess' and 'inheritance' are charming to me.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my BTT post. I always have a hard time trying to figure out what book to red next after I finish with one. My TBR list is so long!

    Have fun reading whatever you choose. :)


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