Dear Diary: Confessions From A Blogger (5) Laziness

We all know what goes on behind the scenes at our own blogs but rarely do we lift the curtain and share those experiences with others. Dear Diary: Confessions From A Blogger stems from the curiosity. This week I want to talk about Laziness.

Here is my Confession:

Laziness [lazi·ness] n: freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility).

By nature I'm not a very lazy person. I'm punctual, will forgo sleep to meet deadlines and am a master at multitasking. Blogging as I'm sure many of you can attest is a full time job in itself. We review an insane number of books per year, update content daily, participate in tours, promote Authors, promote ourselves and that is just the stuff we can do from the comfort of our own home. Throw in Street Team activities, shipping Giveaway books, participating in Author signings or attending conventions and you have a good chunk of your day, heck your life wrapped up in your blog.

On the rare occasion where blogging becomes overwhelming and the stress of it all to much I'll give myself a lazy day. Usually these days are enough to recharge me and get me back on track. However, the lazy day can bring about the lazy week really quickly even if unintentional. No lie, last spring I had a lazy binge of two weeks. I didn't read, review or touch my blog that whole period and guess what?!? I felt awful about it. The guilt was overwhelming, I felt selfish. How dare I suffer from laziness when I have a stack of review books waiting to be read and content in need of updating. It was to easy not doing anything and just created a mound of stuff that needed attending once I was out of my funk. It's not a good feeling at all.

That is why I find the Lazy day crucial to keeping my sanity. I don't need them often but it's nice knowing I can step away for a day without the guilt. Blogging should never feel like a chore. Chores aren't fun (minus dish washing I enjoy that) and I know my content would suffer. My blog is way to important to me for that to happen. Admitting I need a break from time to time was the first step in conquering laziness. The Scheduler feature on the blog has truly become my best friend. If I know I will be taking a break I just schedule my posts ahead of time. Heck, I can even promote while away by using Hootsuite it's really nifty! Oh how I wish I had utilized these things when I first started blogging. Live and learn right?!?

Do I still feel guilty that I sometimes suffer from laziness? Yep but only a little bit plus laziness turns out can be a good thing. It allows me to pursue other passions, spend time with my family, or just catch up on TV or sleep all mostly guilt free and you know what that's a good feeling.

Now that you've read my confession, Tell me some of yours:
How do you tackle Laziness?
Do you have a day of rest?
Do you feel guilt if you do?

Leave your responses in the comments below, I love reading them. Have a question? Leave that as well and I'll try and answer it.


That about wraps up this weeks confessions from a blogger. Thanks for stopping by and reading,sharing, or commenting on this post. As always, it is appreciated.


  1. I can be very lazy although I never manage to stop reading. Usually it just means I step away from writing posts in order to recharge my batteries. Thank goodness for being able to schedule reviews-I get most of my writing down on weekends and then during the workweek, I can focus on that.


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