Waiting On Wednesday (52) A Darkness Strange and Lovely by Susan Dennard

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine
For this week's WoW I chose A Darkness Strange and Lovely by Susan Dennard.
By the way this is my 52nd Waiting On Wednesday. How cool is that?!? 
Author: Susan Dennard                               
Series: Something Strange and Deadly #2
Genre: Steampunk, Horror, Zombies
Publisher: Harper Teen
Expected Publication: July 23,2013

Following an all-out battle with the walking Dead, the Spirit Hunters have fled Philadelphia, leaving Eleanor alone to cope with the devastating aftermath. But there’s more trouble ahead—the evil necromancer Marcus has returned, and his diabolical advances have Eleanor escaping to Paris to seek the help of Joseph, Jie, and the infuriatingly handsome Daniel once again. When she arrives, however, she finds a whole new darkness lurking in this City of Light. As harrowing events unfold, Eleanor is forced to make a deadly decision that will mean life or death for everyone.

Why Am I waiting? 

OK, I admit I haven't read the first book in this series yet. However, I do own it and plan to read it once this book releases. So why did I choose this book? The Cover! I think this series has some of the prettiest covers around. I mean look at that dress! If I could rip it off and put it on I would do it in a heartbeat.

That about wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave me the link to your Wednesday memes  in the comments below so I can check them out as well! I love reading them all.

Out of curiosity, Will you be picking this book up? What do you think of the cover?
Have you started this series yet? If so, Will you be picking up the sequel?


  1. I agree the covers have something... special about them. Strange and Deadly pins it quite right, I think. ;) Nice pick! My WoW

  2. The cover looks gorgeous! I haven't read the first book either but i've heard a lot of great things about it.

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  3. I have not read the first one either, it is on my bookshelf! But I plan to soon. The cover is FANTASTIC!! I agree completely!

    My WOW

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  4. These covers are gorgeous! I liked the first book, too, so even more reason to pick this one up. :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I still haven't read Something Strange and Deadly. I mean I've been planing to but I can't find time to do so. I hope you'll enjoy the sequel :)

    1. I still need to read SS&D as well don't feel bad :)

  6. Wow, this is an absolutely gorgeous cover! *strokes cover* I haven't actually read the first book *hides in shame* but I hope to soon so I can read the second book too!! Thanks for sharing!!
    My WoW

  7. I usually roll my eyes at the covers that have the chick in a ball gown but I love that dress! It's so pretty.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  8. That sounds like a good one! Thanks for the recommendation.
    My WoW

  9. i haven't book 1 too but i love the cover! i don't want to admit but sometimes i'm taken in by the pretty-dress covers.

    my WoW


  10. I need to read book one too! It sounds amazing! I love the covers too! Happy Reading!

    My Wow!

  11. I love covers, too. And I like the sound of the series. I usually like to wait until all the books are released in a series before I start them. that way I can read them one after another without waiting. :)

    Here’s My WoW!

    Michelle :)
    Author, PODs available June 4th
    Milayna available March 11, 2014
    The Infected, a PODs novel available November 2014
    Visit me and learn how to win a signed copy of PODs!

  12. I am absolutely waiting on this one too! The first book I didn't find super amazing, but I did enjoy it and I love the author. The cover of course is peerless. I can't wait! xx

  13. I really enjoyed Something Strange & Deadly and cannot wait for this one!! Great pick, and YES the cover is pretty!

  14. This is one of those series I want to read just because they have beautiful covers. And I read some pretty good reviews too.
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW.

  15. I haven't read the first book in the series but I also don't think I will. I love the covers of both books but I just can't make myself read it... I hope you enjoy reading this one when it comes out.
    Thanks for stopping by my WOW post.

    Marti @ The Story Behind the Book Cover

  16. I thought the first book was pretty good so I hope you pick that up soon to get ready for the sequel with (squeal) Daniel!


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