Waiting On Wednesday (53) One by LeighAnn Kopans

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine
For this weeks Waiting On Wednesday I chose One by LeighAnn Kopans. 

When having two powers makes you a Super and having none makes you a Normal, having only one makes you a sad half-superpowered freak.

It makes you a One.

Sixteen-year-old Merrin Grey would love to be able to fly – too bad all she can do is hover.

If she could just land an internship at the Biotech Hub, she might finally figure out how to fix herself. She busts her butt in AP Chem and salivates over the Hub’s research on the manifestation of superpowers, all in hopes of boosting her chances.

Then she meets Elias VanDyne, another One, and all her carefully crafted plans fly out the window. Literally. When the two of them touch, their Ones combine to make them fly, and when they’re not soaring over the Nebraska cornfields, they’re busy falling for each other.

Merrin's mad chemistry skills land her a spot on the Hub's internship short list, but as she gets closer to the life she always wanted, she discovers that the Hub’s purpose is more sinister than it has always seemed. Now it’s up to her to decide if it's more important to fly solo, or to save everything - and everyone - she loves.

Expected Publication June 11, 2013 

Why Am I Waiting?
I love the fact that a world with super powers exists and that having none is better than having just one.
Plus even if all I could do was Hover I'd rock that ability. You could be like the creepy gentlemen from Hush who just hovered all over Sunnydale. I mean it still has to beat walking right? Unless of course the hovering doesn't allow you to move one bit then I guess that would suck. Then again depending on how high you could hover stocking shelves, rescuing kittens or painting the ceiling would be a breeze. Yeah, I'm probably overthinking this. Moving on.....
 Also look at that cover! Can we just take a moment to enjoy how stunning this cover is!
That about wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave me the link to your Wednesday memes  in the comments below so I can check them out as well! I love reading them all.

Out of curiosity, Will you be picking this book up? What do you think of the cover?
For fun, Whose your favorite Super Hero?


  1. This one is new to me and sounds awesome. Added to my TBR Thanks. Great pick

  2. I've seen the book around but I never really knew much about it. Great pick!

    - Ellie at The Selkie Reads Stories

  3. Never heard of this one but it sounds really cool-I love the idea of superpowers too.

  4. This looks great. Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. This one was on my WoW a few weeks ago. Great pick! I can't wait to read it.

    old follower


  6. I've been intrigued by One since I first saw the cover, but the premise sounds pretty awesome, too. I'd rock only one super power, too. :P

    1. Yeah having any superpower would be better than having none.

  7. Ahhhhhhhhh I am seriously silently screaming over here! Thank you so much!!!!

    (She can't really move. Bummer, right?)

    Thank you so much!!!! And little known fact - my favorite superhero is Jean Grey, and my close second is the Wasp. The two main characters of ONE have their last names. ;)

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  8. This does sound really interesting. I love books with super power elements. I'm tempted to paint my walls like this. So pretty!
    my WoW @Natflix&Books

  9. I've seen this one before! I think I saw a blogger say that they were reading it. It definitely sounds like something I would read!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  10. I will definitely be getting this one! I think it sounds so cool and I love the cover! Great pick!

    My WOW

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  11. What a beautiful cover! I haven't heard of this one but it definitely sounds pretty cool! Thanks for visiting and great pick!


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