Waiting On Wednesday (54) Monument 14: Sky On Fire by Emmy Laybourne

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine
For this weeks Waiting On Wednesday I chose Monument 14: Sky On Fire by Emmy Laybourne.

The world hasn't ended...yet.

In this sequel to MONUMENT 14, the group of survivors, originally trapped together in a superstore by a series of escalating disasters, has split in two. Most of the kids are making a desperate run on their recently repaired school bus for the Denver airport where they hope to reunite with their parents, be evacuated to safety, and save their dying friend.

But the world outside is dark and filled with dangerous chemicals that turn people into bloodthirsty monsters, and not all the kids were willing to get on the bus. Left behind in a sanctuary that has already been disturbed once, the remaining kids try to rebuild the community they lost. But when the issues are life and death, love and hate, who can you really trust?

Expected Publication: May 28, 2013
Why Am I Waiting?
I was a huge fan of Monument 14 (you can see my review here) and so obviously am looking forward to its sequel Sky On Fire. I can't wait to see what awaits the group who have left the Greenway and I'm also looking forward to seeing more of the chaos outside since in the last book almost everything took place inside the store.
That about wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave me the link to your Wednesday memes  in the comments below so I can check them out as well! I love reading them all.

Out of curiosity, Will you be picking this book up? What do you think of the cover?
For fun, Whose your favorite Super Hero?


  1. I also love Monument 14. Featured this one on my wow many months ago. Looking forward to see the two groups and what happens with the group that left.
    My WOW

  2. Oooh! I've heard such amazing things about Monument 14, so I can imagine how excited you must be for this book, if it's as good as it seems. :) I really need to pick it up soon! Thanks for sharing. <3 x

  3. Oh I loved the first one. great choice. here is mine. http://jennreneeread.blogspot.com/2013/05/waiting-on-wednesday-57-and-www.html

  4. I would really like to read the first one :) I've heard great things about it! I really like the cover :) Thanks for stopping by My WW!


    1. I hope you get to read this soon it's a great series.

  5. Great pick!! I actually just reviewed this one last week I think. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, but I really liked the second one, so you will probably love it since you loved the first one! Awesome pick!

  6. I haven't read the first yet, but sounds good. Hope you get to read it soon!
    Brandi at Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  7. My favorite superhero is probably Captain America or Iron Man-I've definitely been thrilled with all of the films for the Avengers. (Haven't read Monument 14 so don't have much of an opinion about the books).

    1. I was like why is she talking about superhero's?? Totally forgot I asked that last week....

  8. That's one I'm not so sure about. I hear good things, but it just doesn't grab me. I don't think this will ever get on my list with so much else to chose from. I hope it won't disappoint you, though. Thanks for sharing. My WoW

    1. I can understand not every book is a perfect fit for every reader. I'm really hoping it won't disappoint though sequels this year have been very hit or miss unfortunately.

  9. I had a hard time with the first book but i can't help but feel interested in the second :) nice pick.



  10. I still haven't read the first book of the series, but sounds good. Nice pick!
    Here is My WOW

  11. I've been contemplating getting the first book on audio. I had it for review but never got around to it, but it sounds like I was missing out. Anything with blood-thirsty monsters in it is a win in my book. :)

    1. I was going to get it on audiobook a few months ago but then ended up winning a hardcover of it. I liked the narrator on the sample though.

  12. I still have Monument 14 sitting on a pile somewhere:( But when I do get around to reading it, I'm sure I'll want to read the sequel as well. Great choice! Here's my WOW.

  13. I haven't read Monument 14 yet, but I've heard a ton of awesome things about it. It definitely seems like I need to read it.

  14. I really wanted to read Monument 14 last year, though I never actually got around to purchasing it. Thanks for sharing!:)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  15. I still haven't read the first book in this series and I really want to! This sounds like an amazing dystopia and I love the covers! :) Great picks :)

  16. I haven't read Monument 14 yet and have heard mixed things, so I don't know if I will. Either way I hope you enjoy this when it comes out :)

  17. I have this and I need to read it! Great pick :)

    Jaime @ Two Chicks On Books

  18. I found Monument 14 entertaining and can't wait to see where this one goes! :)

  19. I haven't read Monument 14 but I think it is safe to say that I need to add it to the TBR list.

    Thank you for stopping by our WOW !


  20. Seen this one around a lot. Sounds interesting.


  21. Gah.. I need to read book one still and this does sound good! Great pick and thanks for stopping by My WoW

  22. Great pick! I can't wait to read this one either and see what happens to the different groups, the one that decided to stay, and the one that left.

    Thanks for stopping by at my WoW.
    Emz @ Icy Cold Reads

  23. I've been meaning to start this series it looks great.
    thanks for stopping by allwehaveisstories <3

  24. I can't wait for this one! It sounds amazing! Release sooner, please! :P

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier, and apologies for dropping by yours so late!

    Happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts


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