Freebie Friday (59) Free Middle Grade, Mystery,Suspense,Thriller & Young Adult Paranormal E-books

It's time for another edition of Freebie Friday! Each week I compile a list of books that I've found for FREE and share them with all of you! All you have to do is click on the title and it will take you to the purchase page for that book. Unless noted all books are first in the series.

Middle Grade Books
The Acolytes of Crane by J.D. Tew [Purchase]
Twelve-year-old Theodore Crane is a prankster from a small Minnesota town, who half-heartedly shares a friend with a belligerent bully. When he is not spending his days dodging an abusive father, he is out fleeing the scenes of goofy pranks and dares.

With the help of his loyal friend Jason and a mysterious amulet, Theodore finds the courage to oppose his cruel father. When Jason's life is cut short by an accident, Theodore questions everything about himself, his family, and the universe.

Three years after the tragedy, Theodore searches for answers by returning to the scene of Jason's death and discovers the truth when an intervention from outer space brings him into an epic intergalactic conflict.
The truth: millions of guided microscopic devices have been recording his life and controlling his fate. Will this covert invasion be enough to pull Theodore toward his destiny?

The warlords of the galaxy think so. They need representatives from Earth and recruit Theodore Crane to bring four teenagers into a fight against a powerful alien demigod. Immerse yourself in this adventure beyond Earth to follow Theodore and his acolytes as they battle the villains of the multiverse.

Wild-Born by Adrian Howell [Purchase]
 When young Adrian Howell discovers he possesses powerful telekinetic abilities, he is plunged into a sinister world of warring paranormal factions and terrifying government organizations. Adrian must discover what really happened to his missing sister. But to do this, he will first have to find his place among fugitives like himself, and protect the life of a deeply scarred child who can speak only through her mind... a child who will change Adrian's life forever.

Mystery,Thriller & Suspense
Sara's Game by Ernie Lindsey [Purchase]
Two years ago, Sara's husband left for the gym one morning...and never came back. His car was found. He wasn't. Unbelievably, the police report said, "No foul play suspected." There were a few unreliable sightings over the following months, but little else.

Now, on the last day before summer break, her three children have gone missing from their schools, all at the same time.

And the note under her windshield wiper asks one simple question: Are you ready to play the game?

Interfaced by Emerson Doering [Purchase]
 Brain-Machine Interfacing is making telekinesis a reality for a select few.

Three months ago Kristen Crede was a typical college kid looking forward to the weekend’s bonfire party at the beach. Now she’s a triple amputee, outcasted after an accident that shattered her body and spirit. Doc Prophet convinces her to be the first patient of triple prosthetics controlled remotely by a wireless neural implant.

Except the implant is not as it should be. Disquieting things happen as she learns to reach with her mind, and the only person who seems to know all she’s capable of is a menacing stranger. If Kristen doesn’t do exactly what he says, he’ll hurt her family. If she does what he wants, she’s as good as dead.

Young Adult Paranormal

Sovereign Hope by Frankie Rose [Purchase]
I am prophesied.

My coming has been awaited for hundreds of years.

I am destined to end the tyranny of the Soul Reavers.

To do so I must die.

I have a life most eighteen year olds would kill for... No mom hanging around to embarrass me in front of my friends, telling me who I can and can't date; my own house, with no one to dictate what I should do and when. 

Ideal, right?

It would be if my mom had simply jetted off to Cabo for the summer. Instead, she is missing- the disappeared off the face of the planet kind of missing. Plus the only boy showing up at my house isn't trying to date me. He's trying to save my life, and he's none too happy about it. 

Immortal Reavers, ancient prophecies and soul toting sidekicks abound, my mission to find my mother descends into chaos, plunging me into an unknown world where even the simplest of goals-- stay alive, stay safe-- seem impossible. Daniel and his friends stand between me and certain death, but can I allow him to help me? Can I allow him to risk my life in order to save it, and can I risk my heart to love him?
The Rush by Rachel Higginson [Purchase]
A life not her own—A future already decided.

Every facet of Ivy Pierce’s life is meticulously planned out and plotted. Cynical and jaded by sixteen, Ivy’s only hope is to escape the legacy she was born into.

She has a plan, a carefully thought out, feasible plan. She just has to play by the rules until everything falls into place. Unfortunately as predictable as her life can be, she never sees Ryder Sutton coming. He tumbles into her life unimpressed and untouched by her and the life she lives. He’s an enigma to her. A gorgeous, frustrating, sincere mystery and a complete phenomenon in the ugly world she lives in.

What blooms between them is a fiercely intense attraction that cannot be ignored. Even though they would both be better off without each other—Even if both their lives depend on staying apart.

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)

*Authors Have an upcoming book that will be FREE let me know, I'd love to feature your work in my post.


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