Book Trailer Tuesday (83) The Karma Club by Jessica Brody & Cold Calls by Charles Benoit

Book Trailer Tuesday is a Weekly Blog Post hosted by me at Blood Sweat and Books. Each week I choose two Book Trailers to showcase. One Trailer will be for an upcoming book and the other will be one that has already been released. This week I focus my spotlight on The Karma Club by Jessica Brody & Cold Calls by Charles Benoit.

Available Now:
The Karma Club by Jessica Brody
Madison Kasparkova always thought she understood how Karma works. Do good things and you'll be rewarded, do something bad and Karma will make sure you get what you deserve.

But when Maddy’s boyfriend cheats on her, nothing bad comes his way. That’s why Maddy starts the Karma Club, to clean up the messes that the universe has left behind. Sometimes, though, it isn’t wise to meddle with the universe.

It turns out Karma often has plans of its own.

Expected Publication: April 1, 2014
Cold Calls by Charles Benoit
Three high school students-Eric, Shelly, and Fatima-have one thing in common: "I know your secret."
Each one is blackmailed into bullying specifically targeted schoolmates by a mysterious caller who whispers from their cell phones and holds carefully guarded secrets over their heads. But how could anyone have obtained that photo, read those hidden pages, uncovered this buried past? Thrown together, the three teens join forces to find the stranger who threatens them-before time runs out and their shattering secrets are revealed . . .

This suspenseful, pitch-perfect mystery-thriller raises timely questions about privacy, bullying, and culpability.

What do you think of the Trailers?
Have you read The Karma Club? If so, Did you enjoy it?
Will you picking up Cold Calls?

Just for fun: 
Do you believe in Karma?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love reading your responses!
Have a Trailer you would like showcased? Send me an Email. I'm always on the lookout for new book trailers to spotlight.

Like what you see? Please Share! I thank you if you do.


  1. Both of these are new to me. I haven't seen them but I like the first trailer. I need to check out that book. Thanks for sharing Kristin :)

    1. I really like The Karma Club trailer as well. I can't believe writing this post was the first time that I've come across it.


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