Waiting On Wednesday (96) Falls the Shadow by Stefanie Gaither

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine where readers showcase which books they are highly anticipating. For this weeks Waiting on Wednesday, I chose Falls the Shadow by Stefanie Gaither.

Expected Publication:
September 16, 2014 from Simon and Schuster

When Cate Benson was twelve, her sister died. 

Two hours after the funeral, they picked up Violet’s replacement, and it was like nothing had ever happened. Because Cate’s parents are among those who decided to grant their children a sort of immortality—by cloning them at birth. So this new Violet has the same smile. The same laugh. That same perfect face. Thanks to advancements in mind-uploading technology, she even has all the same memories as the girl she replaced. 

She also might have murdered the most popular girl in school. 

Or at least, that’s what the paparazzi and crazy anti-cloning protesters want everyone to think: that clones are violent, unpredictable monsters. Cate is used to hearing all that, though. She’s used to standing up for her sister too, and she’s determined to prove her innocence now—at whatever the cost. But the deeper she digs for the truth, the further Cate's carefully-constructed life begins to unravel, unveiling a world filled with copies and lies, where nothing and no one—not even her sister— is completely what they seem. 

In a pulse pounding debut, Stefanie Gaither takes readers on a nail-biting ride through a future that looks frighteningly similar to our own time and asks: how far are you willing to go to keep your family together?

Why Am I Waiting?
I haven't read a clone based book in awhile and when I did it wasn't nearly as good as I'd hoped. Falls the Shadow however sounds fantastic and with the clone, replacement, whatever you want to call it potentially being a killer things could get very interesting that's for sure. 
Since I'm curious, Have you heard of this book before? 
If so, Do you plan on reading it?

Sound off in the comments below. I love to read your responses. 
That about wraps up my Waiting On Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave a link to your Wednesday memes in the comments below, I love finding new books to read. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. Oh my goodness! I want this. Just reading the blurb creeped me out a bit... But, I am a bit fearful of clones. This would probably end up in the freezer a few times if I ever get my hands on it;) Great pick!

    1. Freezer eh? Is that where scary books go to die?

  2. Oooh.... clones! now this sounds like an interesting read! A nail biter... looking forward to your thoughts on it!

    Here’s My WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  3. Been seeing this one around. It does seem like an interesting read. Hope you get it soon :)

    Happy Wednesday!

    My WoW

  4. This looks so interesting especially since it has the creep-factor of a possible murderous clone!

  5. This sounds so scary. Imagine your sister dies and you get a new one just like that. Gosh scary. I really hope you'll enjoy this one. Great pick :)

  6. Great choice. I have heard of this one and I do to plan to read it, it sounds pretty cool. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. This sounds SO good. Hope you like it!

    My WoW: http://roseshadowink.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/grabby-paws-strange-ever-after-by-susan-dennard/

  8. oohh, this sounds pretty interesting. I've never read anything that involves cloning so the idea is pretty new to me. I'll definitely check this one out(:

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project


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