Booking Through Thursday (47) Extremes
Booking Through Thursday is a weekly bookish meme where participants are asked a series of questions about their reading habits. To join this or future Booking Through Thursdays Click Here.
I think the craziest thing I've done to obtain a book I wanted was attend midnight releases for them. I remember my very first midnight release was for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I had to drive over an hour to the nearest Waldenbooks to pick up my copy as they were the only store a reasonable distance doing a midnight launch. I can remember clearly how the line was filled mostly with bored parents waiting to pick up copies, a far cry from the fun festivities I had seen other stores do for previous books. Yet, I also remember the few little sleepy kids excitingly waiting for a copy running around with wee little wands attacking each other and the bored salesgirl passing out bakery made chocolate frogs to all of us while we waited in line with an expression that said we all must be crazy. Good times.
Let's see, I also remember my husband taking me to practically every bookstore in Austin while we were visiting the city to find a copy of Apocalypse of the Dead by Joe McKinney that I was wanting. Nobody had it in stock and as it had just been released naturally I wanted to get my hands on it. I finally found a copy in a sleepy little town on our way back home by chance when I had stopped to use the restroom at the store next door.
I guess that's really it. I haven't really done anything crazy to obtain a book I wanted. I'm patient, I know I'll track it down eventually and of course now with e-books if I can't find it in store upon release, I can just pick up a Kindle or Nook copy with the click of a mouse.
This Week BTT Asks: What’s the furthest you’ve ever gone to get something to read? (Think extremes as well as miles.) If your absolute favorite author (living or dead) was coming out with a brand new book tomorrow, how far would you go, what would you do to get a copy? |
I think the craziest thing I've done to obtain a book I wanted was attend midnight releases for them. I remember my very first midnight release was for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I had to drive over an hour to the nearest Waldenbooks to pick up my copy as they were the only store a reasonable distance doing a midnight launch. I can remember clearly how the line was filled mostly with bored parents waiting to pick up copies, a far cry from the fun festivities I had seen other stores do for previous books. Yet, I also remember the few little sleepy kids excitingly waiting for a copy running around with wee little wands attacking each other and the bored salesgirl passing out bakery made chocolate frogs to all of us while we waited in line with an expression that said we all must be crazy. Good times.
Let's see, I also remember my husband taking me to practically every bookstore in Austin while we were visiting the city to find a copy of Apocalypse of the Dead by Joe McKinney that I was wanting. Nobody had it in stock and as it had just been released naturally I wanted to get my hands on it. I finally found a copy in a sleepy little town on our way back home by chance when I had stopped to use the restroom at the store next door.
I guess that's really it. I haven't really done anything crazy to obtain a book I wanted. I'm patient, I know I'll track it down eventually and of course now with e-books if I can't find it in store upon release, I can just pick up a Kindle or Nook copy with the click of a mouse.
Now for my questions:
Have you ever done anything crazy to obtain a book?
Have you ever attended a midnight release for a book you've wanted?
Have you ever done anything crazy to obtain a book?
Have you ever attended a midnight release for a book you've wanted?
Leave your comments below or if you participate in Booking Through Thursday leave me your links so I can check your posts out as well!
I've never really done anything crazy to obtain a book. That's not to say that I wouldn't, but it's just never even come up, I guess. Now that I've got a kiddo, it's even less likely that I'll do something extreme to acquire a book...unless it's for the kiddo. =)