Waiting On Wednesday (111) The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine where readers showcase which books they are highly anticipating. This week I'm turning my spotlight on The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes.

Expected Publication:
June 9, 2015 from Dial/Penguin Books


When seventeen-year-old Minnow stumbles out of the woods one winter morning, she is haunted and handless and covered in someone else’s blood. She has just escaped the strict religious commune run by a cruel man named the Prophet. In exchange for freedom, she leaves behind her family, her home, and Jude--an outsider boy who changed everything. But the real world isn't the sanctuary Minnow imagined. Soon, she gets arrested and placed in juvenile detention. Now, Minnow is being questioned by an FBI psychiatrist about the night she escaped, the same night the Prophet was burned to death in his own home—a murder Minnow may be responsible for. A modern retelling of the Grimm fairy tale, "The Handless Maiden," in which the Devil orders a girl's hands cut off, Minnow is the story of a girl growing out of the wreckage of corrupted faith.

Why Am I Waiting?
How amazing does this contemporary fairy tale retelling sound? I admit, I vaguely remember The Handless Maiden so I'll probably have to reread it before starting this but still super excited for this one. Plus it is nice to see some lesser known/popular Fairy Tales being remade for a change. Shame I'll have to wait until June of next year though, boooo. 
Since I'm curious, Have you heard of this book before? 
If so, Do you plan on reading it?

Sound off in the comments below. I love to read your responses. 
That about wraps up my Waiting On Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave a link to your Wednesday memes in the comments below, I love finding new books to read. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. I agree that it's nice to have a retelling of a story that isn't so widely known. I only know half of The Handless Maiden vaguely, so I'd definitvely have to read it before starting on this as well. Great pick, thanks for stepping by and sharing!!

  2. I don't really remember the fairy tale, but the synopsis definitely makes me want to go back and read it! This sounds super creepy and like it's going to be really good. Thanks for sharing and stopping by my WOW!

    Amber R. @ Bibliophilia, Please

  3. whoa, this sounds intense!! thanks for sharing.

  4. WOW! this looks amazing!!! Then premise is super interesting! I'm usually not into these types of books, but this seems really good!

  5. WOW what an amazing cover! :) I love the sound of this one and you're right contemporary fairy tale retelling is something new for sure. Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. This is intriguing, thanks for sharing and for stopping by my WoW

  7. Oh! This sounds really creeptastic! I haven read the original, but this sounds incredibly October-worthy! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my WoW!

  8. Oooh... this sounds like a bit of a thriller! Awesome pick!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  9. Oooh, psych thriller! I love the cover. Thanks for sharing (:


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