Freebie Friday (78) Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Dystopian & Post Apocalyptic E-Books

It's time for another edition of Freebie Friday! Each week I compile a list of books that I've found for FREE and share them with all of you! All you have to do is click on the title and it will take you to the purchase page for that book. Unless noted all books are first in the series.

Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Cure by Stephanie Erickson [Purchase]
"One life will make the difference." Macey Holsinger has heard that promise for as long as she can remember. But it hasn't saved anyone yet, not even her little brother. 

Little is known about the disease, except that it’s a rapid and absolute killer. Countless lives have been claimed in the last hundred years, and government scientists are working hard to stop the spread through human experimentation. Testing has killed nearly as many people as the disease and, to Macey at least, it seems like they’re no closer to a cure. 

At sixteen, conformity to the government’s idea of “sacrifice for the greater good” is a difficult concept for Macey. Shocked by how many aspects of life the disease controls, she faces her own testing reluctantly. 

Macey feels alone as questions plague her about things that are simply a way of life for most. Questions no one else thinks to ask. Why is the quest for a cure reason enough to ban things like flags and freedom of expression? How can death be justified with more death? In the end, how much will the cure cost, and why is Macey the only one who thinks the price is too high? 

Answers evade her until she's left with only one question… How much will she sacrifice in the name of the cure?

Forsaken by Kristen Day [Purchase]
Abandoned by her parents as an infant; seventeen year old Hannah spent her childhood wading through countless foster families until being adopted by the Whitmans three years ago. 

Unfortunately, Atlanta’s high society wasn’t quite ready for Hannah…or the strange events that plague her.
Chilling visions of murder, unexplained hallucinations, and a dark, mysterious guy who haunts her nightmares all culminate to set in motion a journey of self-discovery that will challenge everything she’s ever believed; not to mention her sanity. 

Sent to live at The House of Lorelei on Bald Head Island, NC for ‘kids like her’, Hannah quickly realizes things are not what they seem. Her fellow ‘disturbed’ teens are actually the descendents of mythical Sea Gods and Goddesses. And so is she.

But when Finn, the ghost from her dreams, appears in the flesh; her nightmares become reality and her dark visions begin coming true. Inexplicably drawn to him, she can’t deny the dangerous hold he has on her heart. The deadly secrets he harbors will ultimately test her courage and push the boundaries of her love. 

She must decide if she is ready to embrace the ancient legend she is prophesied to be a part of. The fate of all the descendents will forever depend upon it.

Dystopian & Post Apocalyptic

Exiled by James Hunt [Purchase]
Ten years into the worst drought the United States has ever seen, fresh water has become the scarcest natural resource in the world. China, Russia, Europe, Mexico, Canada, Australia, and other countries are all experiencing the effects of this unnatural lack of drinkable water. 

Brooke Fontanne lives in the arid desert climate of San Diego, where the effects of the drought have driven the area into poverty. But when news of the Colorado River running dry brings further water restrictions, Brooke realizes that it’s time to get out. However, with the government growing more radical, the lack of water isn’t the only obstacle she’ll have to overcome. 

Into the Darkness by Kira Adams [Purchase]
It was supposed to be a way to end the devastation in the Middle East, but instead a darkness has been unleashed unlike anything the world has ever seen. 

Ike Glass is well versed in chaos, but even he is unprepared for what the world will become after the outbreak. Ace Cullen has been loyal to his country ever since he was brought to the United States as a young boy, but it’s difficult to stand by a country that can’t even take responsibility for their own actions. Phoenix Blue just wants a night of mindless sex…is that too much to ask? Always a black sheep, she shocks everyone as she finds the strength inside herself to protect the ones she cares about and fight to see another day. They were strangers when the virus took over, but tragedy will bring them together in ways they never thought possible as they descend into the darkness.

Days Gone Bad by Eric R. Asher [Purchase]
My name is Damian Valdis Vesik. I am a necromancer, an ability feared and hated as much as the powers my master and I set ourselves against. We've vanquished many evils, but now something is releasing an old darkness, forcing us to hunt an enemy beyond anything I’ve faced before. I was already busy enough with vampires, fairies, witches, Watchers, weddings, and … damn, I need a vacation.

Young Adult 

Hidden by M. Lathan [Purchase]
Sixteen-year-old Leah Grant has given up on being normal. She’d settle for stopping the voices in her head, intrusive visions of the future, and better odds of making it to her seventeenth birthday.

That’s the thing about pretending to be human in a world where magic used to exist – at any moment, her cover could be blown and she’ll be burned to death like the rest of the witches.

Everything changes when she loses control of her powers and flees the orphanage she grew up in. She desperately wants to be invisible but finds her face plastered on every news channel as humans panic over the possible resurgence of her kind. And now the hunters won’t give up until they find her.

Making friends for the first time in her life and falling in love with one of them drives her to discover why she is unlike any being she’s ever met – human or otherwise. The dangerous powers inside of her that would repel Nathan, her new, handsome reason for living, are priceless to some. The locked up forever kind of priceless. And to others, they are too dangerous to allow her to live.
Let’s hope she can stay hidden

Rehabilitation by C.B. Stone [Purchase]
My name is Sinna Reardon. I suppose deep down I'd like to believe God exists. But he doesn’t, not since the war. Most days I’m okay with that. Jacob calls me a pessimist, but I’m a realist. How can I believe when a place like Rehabilitation and a regime like the Elite exist, dictating our every move? 

If God were so great, he’d do something. But he hasn’t. We’re forgotten. And that scares me, because it means I might have to do something myself…

Sinna has spent her life walking a fine line between breaking the rules and obeying them to a fault. In a Godless world where science and logic reign supreme and people are punished for Believing, are friendship and love reasons enough to abandon unbelief? Enough to put her faith in something bigger than herself?

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)

*Authors Have an upcoming book that will be FREE let me know, I'd love to feature your work in my post.


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