Freebie Friday (80) Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Paranormal & Dystopian E-Books

It's time for another edition of Freebie Friday! Each week I compile a list of books that I've found for FREE and share them with all of you! All you have to do is click on the title and it will take you to the purchase page for that book. Unless noted all books are first in the series.

Young Adult (Dystopian,Fantasy)
Grounded by G.P. Ching [Purchase]
My name is Lydia Troyer. Growing up in Hemlock Hollow, my life has always been simple. Things in my community haven’t changed much in over three hundred years, since the time my Amish ancestors came to what is now the Green Republic. I milk my cow by hand, make fresh bread every morning, and hope to be courted by Jeremiah, a boy I’ve known since childhood.

When my father falls ill, the English doctor says a hospital outside the wall can heal him. Jeremiah convinces me to go on rumspringa, to experience the outside world as an Englisher in order to be closer to my father during his recovery. Others have gone before me. They claim it’s an adventure. But adventure turns to horror as an ordinary light switch thrusts me into a new world, and revelations about my personal history make me question everything I believe.

All my life I’ve worked to be simple. I can’t pretend anymore. Nothing about me is simple.

Insanity (Mad in Wonderland) by Cameron Jace [Purchase]
After accidentally killing everyone in her class, Alice Wonder is now a patient in the Radcliffe Lunatic Asylum. No one doubts her insanity. Only a hookah-smoking professor believes otherwise; that he can prove her sanity by decoding Lewis Carroll’s paintings, photographs, and find Wonderland’s real whereabouts. Professor Caterpillar persuades the asylum that Alice can save lives and catch the wonderland monsters now reincarnated in modern day criminals. In order to do so, Alice leads a double life: an Oxford university student by day, a mad girl in an asylum by night. The line between sanity and insanity thins when she meets Jack Diamond, an arrogant college student who believes that nonsense is an actual science.

Reap by Casey L. Bond [Purchase]
The remnants of the United States of America have been divided. From five enormous, technologically-advanced cities, the Greaters rule over the Lessers.

In the Lesser village of Orchard, things are not as perfect as Abby Kelley thinks they are. When the apple harvest draws near and the Greaters' engineered fruits become too much for one village to handle alone, reinforcements from neighboring villages are called upon.

Having to choose between her best friend, whom she has no romantic feelings for, and mysterious newcomer Crew, Abby finds herself in the middle of a harvest that she had no intention of becoming a part of. She becomes involved in a situation that threatens the strict rule of the Greaters, and just might give the Lessers hope for a better tomorrow. But, can she help the Lessers without losing Crew?

The Girl In Between by Laekan Zea Kemp [Purchase]
Bryn Reyes is a real life sleeping beauty. Afflicted with Klein-Levin Syndrome, she suffers episodes of prolonged sleep that steal weeks, and sometimes even months, from her life. But unlike most KLS patients, she doesn’t spend each episode in a catatonic state or wake up with no recollection of the time she’s missed. Instead, Bryn spends half her life in an alternate reality made up of her memories. For Bryn, the past is a place, until one day a boy she’s never met before washes up on the illusory beach of her dreams with no memory of who he is.

But the appearance of this strange boy isn’t the only thing that’s changed. Bryn’s symptoms are worsening, her body weakening as she’s plagued by hallucinations even while awake. Her only hope of finding a cure is to undergo experimental treatment created by a German specialist. But when Dr. Banz reveals that he knows more about her strange symptoms than he originally let on, Bryn learns that the boy in her head might actually be the key to understanding what’s happening to her, and worse, that if she doesn’t find out his identity before it’s too late, they both may not survive.

Science Fiction & Fantasy 
This omnibus edition of the best-selling Wasteland Chronicles series contains the first three books: Apocalypse, Origins, and Evolution - about 180,000 words of content.

Apocalypse: Sixteen-year-old Alex Keener must struggle for survival when the deadly xenovirus invades his U.S. Government Bunker - a virus which transforms men and animals into monsters.

Origins: Alex and friends must journey over hundreds of miles of post-apocalyptic desert to discover the origins of the deadly xenovirus. But when they reach the Great Blight, they find the virus is far more dangerous than previously thought.

Evolution: As two months pass, the xenovirus only grows in lethality, spawning monsters that humanity simply cannot match. It becomes a race against time before the virus engulfs the planet.

Murderland by Garret Cook [Purchase]
Jeremy Jenkins is a pharmacist living a nightmare. America has made serial killing provisionally legal. What was once a crime is now a game. Juvenile delinquent Reapkids dressed as history's deadliest murderers roam the streets causing chaos. Cannibal Godless Jack Cavanagh is on every morning show. And Jeremy's girlfriend Cass, the love of his life, can't get enough of it. Could be worse. Creatures from another dimension could be infiltrating ours getting our women pregnant. He could live with the guilt of being history's most prolific serial killer. The fate of a world not worth saving could rest on his broad shoulders. Maybe they are. Maybe he is. Maybe it does.

Rain by Shaun Harbinger [Purchase]
The closest Alex Harley has ever been to a zombie is on his game console. Trapped in a dead end job and spending his weekends gaming, Alex is coasting through life at his own pace.

But one fateful weekend, he agrees to go hiking with his pal Mike. Mike’s girlfriend, Elena, is bringing her friend Lucy along and that is good enough reason for Alex to endure gruelling hikes along a mountain range in Wales.

The day the four friends hit the mountains, the outbreak begins. Day Z has arrived. Alex’s radio receives mysterious reports of savage attacks in London before switching to the Emergency Broadcast System. The dead are rising, and the living must fight for survival.

Fighting hordes of zombies and avoiding army patrols, Alex and his friends must reach the coast, and the safety of the sea.

But then their problems will just begin…

Angel Fire by Valmore Daniels [Purchase]
My name is Darcy Anderson, and I am cursed with a dark power:
Whenever my life is in danger, something inside me summons
elemental fire to protect me. I cannot control this.

One night, I was attacked in my home. The fire ... it raged out of control.
I survived the inferno, but my house burned to the ground
- with my parents inside.

I was at a loss to explain to the courts what happened,
and they sent me to prison for ten years for manslaughter.

Now I'm out on parole, and all I want is to return to my
home town and rebuild my life;
but the man who attacked me is back
to finish the job he started.

I can sense the power in me growing.
If I can't control it, it will control me
and destroy everything - and everyone - I love.

Possess by J.A. Howell [Purchase]
Stumbling off the bus in Midtown, Harley Martin thought she found an escape from her old life.

She soon realizes it was anything but that.

Low on cash and options, she manages to find herself a cheap but surprisingly nice apartment. The catch? The last tenant, Brody Walsh, killed himself.

Or did he?

As disturbing dreams and hauntings start to occur, Harley realizes there may be much more behind the previous tenant’s death than a simple suicide. She finds her life further entangled with his when she learns that her new boss, Nolan, was also his best friend. Could this handsome but evasive pub owner have something to do with Brody’s death?

Trying to piece together the events surrounding Brody’s death proves to be a daunting task, but Harley can’t give up. Brody won’t let her. He is still in the apartment with her, trapped in limbo until she finds his killer.

But he’s not waiting for revenge.

Harley’s next.

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)

*Authors Have an upcoming book that will be FREE let me know, I'd love to feature your work in my post.


  1. Oohh, gosh, some of these sound so damn good! Thanks for sharing, darling, your posts are always on point! <3

  2. Thanks for the list. Angel Fire and Insanity sound like interesting reads. I hope they are still free.

  3. Thank you and I hope they are as well :)


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