Waiting On Wednesday (140) Poison's Kiss by Breeana Shields

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine where readers share which books they are highly anticipating. This week I want to share Poison's Kiss by Breeana Shields.

Why I'm Waiting: Poison's Kiss greatly reminds me of Her Fair Assassin Trilogy and you all know how much I loved, loved, loved that series. Even if this book can capture a tiny sliver of that books enjoyment for me I'll consider this a success. Plus, who doesn't love assassins, espionage and doomed romance? Oh and big shot out to the cover design. It's gorgeous. 

Expected Publication:
January 10, 2017 by Random House

A teenage assassin kills with a single kiss until she is ordered to kill the one boy she loves. This commercial YA fantasy is romantic and addictive like a poison kiss and will thrill fans of Sarah J. Maas and Victoria Aveyard.

Marinda has kissed dozens of boys. They all die afterward. It s a miserable life, but being a visha kanya a poison maiden is what she was created to do. Marinda serves the Raja by dispatching his enemies with only her lips as a weapon.

Until now, the men she was ordered to kiss have been strangers, enemies of the kingdom. Then she receives orders to kiss Deven, a boy she knows too well to be convinced he needs to die. She begins to question who she s really working for. And that is a thread that, once pulled, will unravel more than she can afford to lose.


Since I'm curious, Have you heard of Poison's Kiss before? 
If so, Do you plan on reading it?

Sound off in the comments below. I love to read your responses. 

That about wraps up my Waiting On Wednesday for this week.

Feel free to leave a link to your Wednesday memes in the comments below, I love finding new books to read. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. I can't stand snakes so if I read this, it would have to be on my Kindle so I wouldn't have to look at it. Silly I know, but hey, we all have our issues:) The plot sounds really good though so maybe I will do just that!

    1. Not silly. If it was a clown on the cover I'd feel the same way.

  2. Oh my goodness! This definitely sounds interesting! :)

  3. Ooh I like this. The snake on the cover grabs your attention. Good pick.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. The cover, the synopsis, all of it is great! Off to add it to my Goodreads TBR.
    Check out my WOW

  5. YES! I'm interested in this book as well. Being Indian, I'm a little wary, but hopefully the author gets it "right". I hope you enjoy this book when you get a chance to read it!

    Have a fabulous week. :)

    Check out my WoW post!

    1. I hope they do as well. It's great to see more cultural representation in books but then there is always that part that goes will it be "right" you know?

  6. It reminds me a little of another book, but I might check it out. I hope you enjoy!

    Leeanna.me: WoW


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