Zurvival Saturday (3)

For this Weeks Zurvival Saturday I want to talk about Bug Out Bags. The purpose of a Bug Out Bag is to provide the tools and supplies needed to deal with a disaster, in this case The Zombie Apocalypse. A Bug Out Bag is basically an expansion of your everyday survival kit.

Bug Out Bags are typically used to help you survive the first 72 hours after an attack or natural disaster. This is the time when things will be most chaotic. Wouldn't it be nice knowing you had taken precautionary steps beforehand and could focus on the days ahead rather then your immediate survival due to lack of food, warmth and water?

Why can't I stay in my home and just keep it stocked?

While you should keep your home stocked for any circumstance sometimes staying just isn't safe or possible. In the following days after catastrophe strikes Fires, Looting and gangs of marauders become a threat as Emergency services are pushed to the limits or in the worst case scenario fall to the undead hordes. If it is just you how long can you keep out the human threat as well as those of the undead. Sometimes it's better to cut your losses and go. This is why the Bug Out Bag is so essential.

Yeah But Zombies don't exist so why should I leave?

Still stubbornly staying I see. Let's put this in a modern day situation. Think back to Hurricane Katrina. Plenty of people had time to escape before the walls broke (levees held it was the ones removed and replace with a wall that broke)but they didn't they stayed. Flash forward a few days. Your now stuck on your rooftop. The Water has poured into your house. Rescue is a few days out. Do you stay on the roof hoping you can stay warm and dry drinking dirty water or do you grab your Bug Out Bag and at least be comforted in the knowledge that you have clean drinking water, some food and other essentials to survive until your picked up. The best stockpile in the world won't matter if it's 7 feet+ under water.

How Do I make a Bug Out Bag?

A Bug Out Bag can be made from really anything. You can choose to use a backpack,A sea bag, a cargo bag, heck even a large purse will do. It really is up to you. The Most Important part of a bug out bag is that it's filled with items you need and you can carry it. No point of making a bag that weighs 50 pounds if you can't carry it.

What should I put in my Bug Out Bag?

As stated above you should fill it with items that suit your needs. That's not to say you should fill it with garbage but that it should be personalized for you.

Do I need a Bug Out Bag for each family member?

Yes you should make one for each family member and that includes your pets.

Now lets talk about What to include in your Bug Out Bag. I'll list these as Adult, Child and Pets. So you can get a rough idea on what to put in each. This excludes the basic survival items. That will be covered later.

Adult Female
Medications you might take
Nail Polish Clear Coat
Dry Shampoo
A mini sewing kit
Nail Clippers
Hair Elastics
Clean Socks x3
Flip Flops or water shoes
Baby Wipes (Elements makes a good one)
Multi Vitamin
Super Glue
A Poncho or rain jacket that can fit in a small pack
Pocket Fishing Kit (Learn to make one: Here)
Multi Tool

Adult Male
Razors disposable (they can be used for multiple things)
Nail Clippers
A Poncho or rain jacket
Super Glue
Flip Flops or Water shoes
Clean Socks x3
Medications you might take
Multi Vitamin
Pocket Fishing Kit (Learn to make one: Here)
Multi Tool

Childs Bag
Favorite Stuffy or Toy(Yes it's not essential but it will help them)
Multi Vitamins
Medications if need
Rain Jacket
Shake Flashlight Or Squeeze Flashlight- Needs no batteries and keeps little hands busy
A Laminated Page with Parents Contact Info on them as Well As Emergency Contact for others incase of separation.
Jump Rope (again something to keep them busy)
Bug Spray
A Pocket Knife (please properly instruct them how to use)

Pets Bag
A Vest that has Contact Info on it
Some Flea Drops (essential especially if its always been an indoor pet)
The Pets Favorite Toy (will help soothe them)
An Extra Collar with Contact Info
A Leash (good for cats,dogs,ferrets)

*If you have a Large Dog you can buy a bag that fits on his/her back like a harness thus saving you from extra weight to carry.

Now that you have the basic knowledge on what to put in each lets talk about the essentials. These Should be included in each pack only with slight modifications for Pets and Children.


Survival Kit-This Can be Bought or Made. It usually has Iodine,Bandages,Antibiotic Cream,Tweezers,Rubbing Alcohol,Latex Gloves,Adhesive Tape and Aspirin.
You will also Need to Include an Extra Pair of Glasses or Contacts
Water *Each Person needs at least a Liter a day. You can tote bottles or buy it in pouches from an Army Navy Store DONT FORGET YOUR PETS NEED WATER TO
Water Purification Tablets
Food for each person. MRE's are quite useful and light. You can find many tasty meals from Moutain House
Each Pack should also include a couple Energy Bars and Gel Drinks
Pet Food
Adults Should Carry Flares *Three Flares in a Triangle is International Distress Signal*
Led Flashlights
A Map of your Area
A Book of Wild Edibles
A Book of Poisonous Species in your Area
Parachute Cord
A Tarp
A Flint
Protective Goggles
A Face Mask
A few Ziploc Bags
A Tube Tent
Spare Clothes
Space Blanket
Fingerless Gloves
Ammunition *Regardless if you carry a Bow, Gun or Crossbow it all needs Ammo of some sort*
Diapers/Formula if you have a baby.

Well I am sure I'm missing something but this gives you a basic idea of what you need in your Bug Out Bags. Adjust these recommendations accordingly to fit your needs. Keep a Bug Out Bag in your car and also in an easily accessible area for each individual in your home. You might also want to store one at your workplace (Sans Gun they might frown down upon that). I hope this has been informative for you. Let me know in the comments below what you have in yours or if you even have one. Remember this can be used in many situations not just the eventual Zombie Apocalypse.

If you would like to participate in this or any upcoming Zurvival Saturday please grab my button below and link me in the comments so I can check yours out.

Zurvival Saturday


  1. Very nicely written. I have read survival books that tell you that one size fits all b.o.b.'s will work for you. Love how you include children, and pets as well. Look forward to reading next weeks post :)


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