Weekly Wrap Up (76)

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,books purchased,won etc..). Each picture is linked for your convenience. All you need do is click on the cover and it will take you to the appropriate page! I'll also be linking my post up to Stacking The Shelves & The Sunday Post.

Posts from this past week.
Sunday: Review: Hidden Like Anne Frank by Marcel Prins & Peter Henk Steenhuis
Monday: From Page To Screen (66) Carrie (Remake) by Stephen King
Tuesday: Trailer Tuesday (84) The Diviners Libba Bray & Free to Fall by Lauren Miller

 Books Received For Review

Searching For Sky by Jillian Cantor
What Remains by Kay Holland
Army of the Dead (Zombie Attack #2) by Devan Sagliani

Thank you so much to Bloomsbury, Devan Sagliani and Kay Holland for the review books!

Books Purchased This Week

Clan by Realm Lovejoy

Well I made it through March finally! All told I think I purchased a whopping 3 books this month. I'm happy with myself abstaining for the most part even though I did break my book buying fast a few times. I already have a few books I plan on picking up in April but I'm going to try and spread them throughout the month instead of purchasing all up front. Let's see what else, Oh I think I finally settled on what I'm going to rate The Forever Song. If you follow me on Goodreads you'll know I really struggled with that book. Might not be the greatest but at least I can finally sit down and write my review with confidence. Anyway, once done here I'm going to the enjoy the day outdoors. Supposed to be warm today and I plan to make the most of it! Hope you all have a great week!

Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews or leave a comment, thank you! Like what you see? Please share. If you share, awesome!! I really appreciate when you do!

Participate in a similar meme? Leave me a link to yours in the comments below! I love to read them all.


  1. nice stack this week. Lot of your books are new to me. I will be adding them to my wish list.


  2. I hadn't heard of What Remains before. Looking forward to seeing if you enjoy it or not so I'll know if I should add it to the TBR list. I read a really awesome zombie book recently called Coldbrook. I think you might like it.

    1. Cool thanks for the recommend. I haven't heard of that one before!

  3. Oh lord I cannot seem to make it a week without purchasing a book. I may try a no buy ban for a month..we shall see. I am very curious about What Remains. Have a wonderful week Kristin :)

    1. Was not easy as quite a few books I wanted became daily deals but I did it and that is what matters.

  4. Searching For Sky seems really pretty and interesting. I haven't seen it before. Also Clan is new to me and I cannot wait to see what you think of it. Great post :)

  5. Nice haul Kristin! Hope you enjoy them! I'm intrigued by Searching for Sky!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  6. I think April just got Searching for Sky, but I have to admit to not knowing much about any of these books. :( Still, I hope you enjoy them all!


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