From Page To Screen (66) Carrie by Stephen King

This week on From Page To Screen I'll be tackling the semi-controversial remake of Stephen King's Carrie. If you've followed my blog for awhile you'll remember me tacking the original Carrie in 2012 back when this was still called Book to Movie Monday. I'll link in Here in case anyone wants to take a look.

First let's discuss the book
Now for a little back story in case some of you aren't familiar with the novel. Carrie was written by the Author Stephen King and was released April 5,1974 by Doubleday. The Book is loosely based on Cinderella by The Brother's Grimm. Carrie was the fourth book written by Stephen King but oddly enough was his first book to actually be published. In it's initial printing the Hardback of Carrie only sold 13,000 copies but the paperback was a huge success selling over 1 million copies in it's 1st year.

Let's take a look at some of the characters

Main Protagonist

Carrie White- Carrie is a shy,lonely 17 year old girl with a Christian Fundamentalist mother who abuses more than loves her. Carrie's telekinetic powers are presents throughout her life but only really manifest after an incident in the shower involving her 1st period. Carrie starts to rebel against her mother and is even asked to prom. Unfortunately the "cool" kids don't let her be and play a cruel prank on her, this incident is all Carrie can handle and she proceeds to burn down the town in revenge.

Other Noteworthy Characters

Sue Snell- Carries only "friend" after participating in a cruel prank on Carrie, she sets Carrie up with her boyfriend Tommy as a way to ease her conscience and also help the wildly unpopular Carrie fit in.

Tommy Ross- Sue Snell's boyfriend who is asked to take Carrie to prom. Initially hesitant to even pretend to like her he eventually falls in love with Carrie but tragically dies after a bucket used to play a trick on Carrie at prom smashes over his head fracturing his skull.

Rita Desjardin- Carrie's gym coach. Until the incident in the showers she felt the same disgust towards Carrie as the Students. She finally takes a stand about the bullying and indirectly causes the Death's at the prom by banning one of the students from attending.

Main Antagonist

Chris Hargensen- Popular and beautiful Chris has everything she ever wants but when that's not enough she takes pleasure in tormenting Carrie and other unpopular classmates whom she labels "Mortimer Snerds". After finally being caught and punished she is banned from prom. Chris sets in motion the events that ultimately lead to the deaths of most of the town.

Now let's discuss the movie
Carrie was directed by Kimberly Pierce and was released October 18, 2013 by MGM & Screen Gems Entertainment. Carrie cost $30 million to make and during it's initial run in theaters grossed over $84 million worldwide. The film received mainly mixed to average reviews from critics however, the film did go on to win the People's Choice award for Best Horror Film of 2013. Fun Fact: Stephen King and Sissy Spacek (original Carrie) both thought Lindsay Lohan would fit the part perfectly. The directors disagreed and the role eventually was handed to Chloë Grace Moretz known most notably in her role as Hit Girl from the film series Kick Ass.

Major Differences Between The Book Film

After Carrie freaks out in the showers after starting her period, Chris and her friends who witness it taunt Carrie mercilessly.
Due to the advent of the Cell phone Chris takes video of Carries freak out and uploads it to youtube for everyone to see.
The book is told in a non-linear manner and switches between the present and looking back at newspaper clippings that report death tolls, witness testimony and storyteller sections where we learn Sue Snell penned a memoir of the events.Told in a straightforward manner where we go from Carrie's birth to her starting her period and ending with the events at prom.
Carrie and her mother Margaret are described as being very homely in appearance. Despite dressing down it is obvious both Carrie and Margaret are far from the way King intended them to look.
Carrie's powers surface when she is little after Margaret tries to kill Carrie. The neighbors hear her cries, and then witness a storm of rocks raining down on the White home, and only on the White home.
Carrie's powers surface as a teen. The scene with the rocks happens near the end of the film with Sue as a witness.
Carrie's prom dress is made out of crushed red velvet, has a princess waistline, Juliette sleeves, and a simple skirt.Carrie's dress is pink, tight fitting and made of a silky material.
Carrie can communicate telepathically and shares a connection with Sue. It is Carrie's telepathic cry for help that sends Sue to prom but sadly she arrives to late.Carrie is telepathic but cannot communicate with others that way . Sue learns what's about to happen at prom because Chris texts her. She races to the school to warn Carrie but is stopped by Ms. Desjardin before she can do so.
Due to being telepathic Carrie knows why Tommy asked her to prom. She accepts the invitation anyway because she wants to be like everyone else.Carrie has no clue why Tommy asks her but is excited and hoping for a bit of romance.

I know there are a couple more differences mainly ending stuff but I don't want to give it away in case any of you haven't seen it yet. Which however do I prefer? This week the clear winner is the book. While the remake isn't as awful as I imagined it'd be it did have that feeling on watching a CW drama instead of a multi million dollar Horror film. I did however love Julianne Moore as Margaret White. She might have been prettier compared to her bookish counterpart but she nailed the crazy well. Definitely read the book if you haven't done so already and if you don't  mind remakes or have any crazy expectations from the actors then check out the remake as well. However, if you really want something scary to watch filled with more practical makeup and  effects stick with the original.

Still not convinced? Check out the trailer below!

Well that about wraps up this weeks From Page To Screen. Have a recommendation for an upcoming From Page To Screen, let me know in the comments below!

Have you read the book or watched the film? 
Which did you like better? Why? 
What is your favorite quote or scene from Carrie?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love to read your responses. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. Honestly I just want to congratulate you for watching this. Truly I admire you cause if I ever even tried I'd experience like year of sleepless nights. Great post! :)

    1. I'm a huge Horror movie fan so the violence and gore don't bug me. Instead I'm like Ooo wonder how they did that? Or, That is seriously cool makeup, lol.


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