Zurvival Saturday (124) Bite Sized Reviews: Contaminated by Suzanne Robb & Zyborg: Turbo Fiction by Conan De Moe
Hey ya'll, I'm back this week with some bite sized reviews! This past week I read a book called Contaminated by Suzanne Robb. I've had this novel kicking around on my Kindle for quite some time so figured why not read it. The other story I read was called Zyborg: Turbo Fiction by Conan De Moe. The latter is actually a short story that's part of a collection but I'm really hoping the Author writes more in the world in the future. That story has loads of potential. Anyway, on to the reviews!
First up, I read Contaminated: A Zombie Survival Novel
Publication Date: July 31, 2012
My Thoughts: Good in places, lacking in others. I really enjoyed the Resident Evil feel of this story. Close quarters and zombies provide a suspenseful atmosphere and the author plays off that well. However, I think the story was a bit predictable in places such as the traitors were obvious and lacked any surprise and the writing unraveled a bit the closer the story came to its conclusion. By stories end the writing had degraded into what I call B-Movie territory. Not bad but certainly not great either. In short, Did I enjoy the book? Sure, The writing for the most part wasn't terrible and I really enjoyed certain aspects to the plot. However, I probably would only continue with the series only if I could catch the next book at a very steep discount.
In the end I gave this one ★★★.
Next up, I read a short story called , Zyborg: Turbo Fiction
Publication Date: March 22, 2016
My Thoughts: This was a good short story with loads of potential. The story starts off with a couple taking a vacation to the Caribbean. On the way their they meet a quirky Doctor who informs them about the Island and also invites them to lunch if they desire. Harmless stuff, until it isn't. This story is well written, incredibly fast paced and has boat loads of mystery, action and suspense. Oh yeah, of course Zombies are included but they are more of an accoutrement rather than the main course so to speak. The only real issue I had with this story was that it ended far too soon. I really, hope the Author decides to flesh this short out more and write a longer story. Like I said in the beginning this story has loads of potential. Plus that cliffhanger ending, I need to know more!
In the end I gave this one ★★★★.
Out of curiosity, Have you heard of these books?
If you have, Which one was your favorite?
Leave me your answers in the comments below or feel free to tweet me them @Hermyoni
Well that about wraps up this weeks Zurvival Saturday. Like what you see? Please share! I thank you if you do. Want to check out past Zuvival Saturday's? Click Here
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