Zurvival Saturday (125) : Bite Sized Movie Reviews: Humans vs. Zombies & Bad Meat
Hey ya'll, I'm back this week with some bite sized movie reviews! This past week I watched two new to me Zombie flicks on Hulu and Crackle. Both films were special in their own ways. I'm not sure I'd really recommend either but they weren't so bad that I'd write them off entirely as wastes of time.
First up, I watched Humans vs. Zombies
Release Date: November 2011
My Thoughts: This film started out pretty much in B-Movie territory. The acting was subpar and the cinematography looked like it came from a rented camera that might have been abused in the past. The story in and of itself wasn't bad. In short, students on summer break are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact. Naturally being college kids a LOT of human contact happens thus spreading the virus rapidly. I think this film could have been better if it had a bigger budget but it definitely felt done on the cheap. I also really did not like the characters. Part of it was the actors themselves and the rest was that they just weren't scripted well.
In the end I gave this film ★★★.
Next up, I watched a film called , Bad Meat
Release Date: March 26, 2013
In the end I give this one a split rating ★★★★ for acting and special effects & ★★ for the story and its resolution.
Out of curiosity, Have you heard of these films?
If you have, Which one was your favorite?
Leave me your answers in the comments below or feel free to tweet me them @Hermyoni
Well that about wraps up this weeks Zurvival Saturday. Like what you see? Please share! I thank you if you do. Want to check out past Zuvival Saturday's? Click Here
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