Weekly Wrap Up (79)

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,books purchased,won etc..). Each picture is linked for your convenience. All you need do is click on the cover and it will take you to the appropriate page! I'll also be linking my post up to Stacking The Shelves & The Sunday Post.

Posts From This Past Week
Monday: From Page To Screen (69) Under The Dome
Tuesday: 1000th Blog Post & Giveaway!!
Wednesday: Waiting On Wednesday (95) Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini
                Review: The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings
Thursday: Booking Through Thursday (46) Time
Friday: Freebie Friday (65) Free Paranormal, Young Adult & Science Fiction E-Books
Saturday: Zurvival Saturday (92) Review: Odium II by Claire C. Riley

Reviews Missed 5/6 - 5/10
Above by Isla Morley
Riot by Sarah Mussi
The MidAmerica Zombie Half Breed Experiment by Better Hero Army

Books Received For Review

Paradigm by Ceri A Lowe
Blackbird by Anna Carey

Covers Not Shown
Elemental Hunger by Elana Johnson
One Man's Island by Thomas Wolfenden
The Guard by Peter Terrin

Thank you Elana Johnson, Permuted Press, Bookouture and Quercus for the review books.

Books Purchased Recently
The Last Year Boxed Set by Trisha Leigh
Parasite by Ian Woodhead

Books Gifted or Won

Ravage Audiobook by Iain Rob Wright 
*Won in Facebook Giveaway
Euphoria-Z by Luke Ahearn
*Gifted by Author


1000th Blog Post


Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews or leave a comment, thank you! Like what you see? Please share. If you share, awesome!! I really appreciate when you do!

Participate in a similar meme? Leave me a link to yours in the comments below! I love to read them all.


  1. Love the cover of Blackbird, I'll have to check this one out :)

  2. I love the cover to Blackbird too!! And Euphoria Z looks awesome! Enjoy all your new reads!

    Here's My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  3. I haven't read any of those, but the Paradigm cover is awesome. :) Thanks for Sharing! Here's my Sunday Post.

  4. Looking good! You are going to LOVE Ravage. I am in love with Iain Rob Wright's writing. He definitely is a special writer. I think my fav of his is the Housemates if you ever get sick of zombies and want just a crazy horror. It's awesome! I need to get my hands on Euphoria Z. Looks great.

    1. I've read Ravage already but can't wait to hear the Audiobook. Also own the Housemates but haven't read it yet. I'm a huge fan of Iain and have read or own the majority of his books :)


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