Waiting on Wednesday (3)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking the Spine. For this Weeks Waiting on Wednesday I chose *drumroll* Above by Leah Bobet

ISBN: 0545296706 (ISBN13: 9780545296700)
Author: Leah Bobet
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Expected Release: April 1st 2012

From Goodreads:
Matthew has loved Ariel from the moment he found her in the tunnels, her bee's wings falling away. They live in Safe, an underground refuge for those fleeing the city Above—like Whisper, who speaks to ghosts, and Jack Flash, who can shoot lightning from his fingers.

But one terrifying night, an old enemy invades Safe with an army of shadows, and only Matthew, Ariel, and a few friends escape Above. As Matthew unravels the mystery of Safe's history and the shadows' attack, he realizes he must find a way to remake his home—not just for himself, but for Ariel, who needs him more than ever before.

This book has been in my TBR sights for awhile now. From the few Pre-release reviews I have read I admit I am super excited. Anytime an Author can put their own unique spin on the Dystopian genre that I love its worth at least giving the book a second glance. Plus look at the cover its gorgeous. How can you not at least be a little curious based on it.


  1. Oo, I've seen this one on someone's blog last week I think, it sounds like an interesting read! And what a gorgeous cover too *__*

    My WoW

    Books, Biscuits, and Tea

  2. I just received this in the mail yesterday! Sooo excited to read it, it sounds amazing :).

    New follower! :)

    My Waiting on Wednesday!

    1. Thank you for the follow! If you do a review let me know ^^

  3. I am such a sucker for gorgeous covers, and this definitely is one of them, so it's been on my TBR list for a while now. I can't wait to read it myself too!

    And I'm a new follower.:)

    My WoW is here. ♥

  4. AHHHHHH I adore dystopians!!! This one is totally going on my tbr list! I agree...the cover is cute!!! Great choice! Couldn't agree more :)


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