Horror Movie Survival Kit inspired by Mancrates.com
Recently I was contacted by the people at www.mancrates.com , a new company that “ships awesome gifts for men in custom wooden crates that has to be opened with a crowbar!” This being October and with all minds focused on Halloween they asked me to come up with a list of items that I would include in a crate to survive the duration of horror movie. Naturally being the uber Horror fan that I am, I accepted the challenge! Now before I get to the list, I want to say that even though this company specializes in gifts for men that doesn't mean female fans can't buy them for themselves or give them as gifts. I know I for one would love to receive something like this (hint, hint, wink). They have a wide range of boxes so do check them out when you get the chance. Let's get started now shall we.... # 1 A working flashlight : Whenever I think of Horror films, I always wonder why the characters never seem to have working flashlights. We get it, Horror is supposed to be dark...