Yearly Wrap Up 2017

Hello Lovelies, I know it's been such a very long time but I couldn't end 2017 without doing a yearly wrap up of sorts. I wish I could say that this year was better than last (reading wise) but, nope,still woefully behind. While I didn't really "read" many novels this year I did still read quite a bit. To bad fanfiction doesn't count on Goodreads because I fell down the rabbit hole of a site called Archive of Our Own and never really crawled back out successfully, lol. Seriously though I read so, so, many fanfictions this year they have to number in the hundreds at least. I also read a couple Graphic Novels. I just bought a new one actually right before Christmas but haven't started it yet. Figure I'll kick off 2018 with it. Hmmm what else.... this year the only book turned film I went to theaters to watch was IT and I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Let me know if you want me to do a Book to Movie comparison and I'll ...