Top Ten Favorite Books of 2012!!
2013 is finally upon us and that means that it's time to reveal my Top Ten Favorite Books of 2012. Since the start of December I've been contemplating my list and while some books have been added or bumped I feel this final list does this past year of amazing reads justice. I want to further explain that just because these are my favorites it does not deter whatsoever the other amazing books that I've read in 2012. From Young adult to Non-Fiction the literature put out this past year has exceeded my expectations and I can only hope 2013 proves to be the same or maybe dare I say it even better!! Anyway I know your curious which books I've chosen. Without any further ado Let's get to it shall we?! In order from 10-1 here are my Top Ten Favorite Books of 2012: 10.) Plague by Lisa Hinsley Released: April 30, 2012 I loved this book. This story wasn't happy it is after all about a Plague but it was gripping and a realistic account of a Plague being unleashed ...