
Showing posts from December, 2013

Book Trailer Tuesday (76) Top Ten Favorite Book Trailers of 2013

 For my Final Trailer Tuesday of 2013 I want to take a look back at the past year and share my favorite Book Trailers released this year. As many of you know I love Book trailers and when done right they can create that much more anticipation and excitement for me in conjunction with the normal promotional stuff. I want to say a big Thank you to all the people who continue putting out High Quality Book trailers. I really appreciate the time, thought and creativity put into them and look forward to each new one I find. With that being said Here are my Top Ten Trailer picks for 2013 starting at Number 10 *drumroll please*: 10.) Siege & Storm by Leigh Bardugo 9.) Night Film by Marisha Pessl 8.) Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger 7.) Bait by J. Kent Messum 6.) Vicious by V.E. Schwab 5.) All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill 4. Encore by Josiah Morgan 3.) The Coldest Girl In Coldtown by Holly Black 2.) Curtsies & Conspira...

Top Ten Favorite Books turned Film of 2013

Welcome back to my Yearly Wrap Up! Today I want to share with you my Favorite Books turned Films that I watched this year. Not all of these are newly released mind you but the film In no particular order, Here are my Top Ten Favorites of 2013. 1.) Girl with a Pearl Earring  Learn More: Goodreads & IMDb I loved this film. Scarlett Johannson was just perfect as the innocent yet beautiful Griet. Plus the film was pretty faithful to the book which is always a bonus. 2.) Life of Pi Learn More: Goodreads & IMDb Even though I preferred the book this film is just too gorgeously shot to not be included on my list. Plus I loved seeing Richard Parker in the ''flesh'' interacting with Pi. 3.) Never Let Me Go I watched this movie a year ago on HBO before even knowing it was a book. It wasn't until the middle of this year that I even connected the dots when I saw someone gushing about it on their Blog. Both are great and you should definitely che...

Review: Ashen Winter (Ashfall #2) by Mike Mullin

Author: Mike Mullin Series: Ashfall #2 Genre: Post Apocalyptic, Survival, Young Adult Publisher: Tanglewood Press Publication Date: October 16, 2012 It’s been over six months since the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. Alex and Darla have been staying with Alex’s relatives, trying to cope with the new reality of the primitive world so vividly portrayed in Ashfall, the first book in this series. It’s also been six months of waiting for Alex’s parents to return from Iowa. Alex and Darla decide they can wait no longer and must retrace their journey into Iowa to find and bring back Alex’s parents to the tenuous safety of Illinois. But the landscape they cross is even more perilous than before, with life-and-death battles for food and power between the remaining communities. When the unthinkable happens, Alex must find new reserves of strength and determination to survive. Review Ashen Winter is a book I had considerable high hopes for when I went into reading i...

Top Ten Favorite Covers of 2013

Like many of you I love a good book cover. This year I've seen some that have truly been amazing. Believe me when I say making this list was not easy. Often when discussing books we discuss the content and the gorgeous covers but often forget to thank the artists who create them. So this post is for all the designers whose artistic talents gives us covers to oo and ah over all year round. In no particular order here are my Top Ten Favorite Covers of 2013 10.) Splintered by A.G. Howard Released January 1, 2013 Cover designed by: Nathalia Suellen 9.) Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke Released August 15,2013 Cover designed by: Unknown 8.) Untethered by Katie Hayoz Released April 3, 2013 Cover designed by: Nathalia Suellen 7.) In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters Released April 2, 2013 Cover designed by: Maria T. Middleton 6.) The Resurrectionist by E.B. Hudspeth Released May 21, 2013 Cover designed...

Top Ten Books I Regret Not Reading in 2013

Any of us who read books on a consistent basis will eventually find ourselves in the same predicament. So many books, so little time. We try to get them all in each year but sometimes it just doesn't happen. This year my list wasn't nearly as large as it was last year at this time  but I still nonetheless had to whittle it down to the Top Ten that I really regret not reading this past year. As always I still plan to read these books in the future and you will probably see me talking about them quite soon but for now they either sit on a desk or Kindle neglected. So sorry you lovely books but I am only one person who just has not enough hours in the day to get to you all.  Anyway enough of my rambling.... In no particular order here are my Top Ten Books I Regret Not Reading In 2013: 10.) The Program by Suzanne Young I've said it what feels like a billion times but I really need to read this one. I meant to but whenever I went to purchase a copy I saw another bo...

Ominous Tour Grand Finale & Giveaway!!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours The Ominous Tour Grand Finale What would you do if you held infinite power  in the palm of your hand? We asked the hosts: If you had a super-power, what would it be? 5 - My Love For Reading Keeps Growing - Review Read peoples minds "This book is so intense.  I really enjoyed how everyone in the book seems to  be so much more evolved than the last book.  I love Lilli and Joel and the relationship that they have.  It's a beautiful thing.  The author did a great job of helping me feel the connection those two had." 7 - All That's Written - Interview to know when people are liars To give you an idea of the person behind the writer I’ve asked Cerece to answer the following question without thought. What is your first reaction when you see: 1. blue - Sky 2. red - Scarlet Go to All That's Written for the rest. 9 - Kelly P's Blog - Excerpt super-fast healing! ;-) ...