Booking Through Thursday (9)

abookandashortlatte1 asks:
If you had to choose to live within a novel, which would it be?

Such a fun question this week!! I actually have several that I'd want to live within not just one. In no particular order they are:

1. The Lord Of The Rings- I don't care if I was from Rohan, an elf or a Hobbit I'd want to live in this world. This desire grew even more after seeing them come alive onscreen. I mean Seriously just look at the picture below,Gorgeous!!

2.Wizard World Of Harry Potter- No muggledom for me, I want to be a witch!!! I think it would be so fun to grow up in that world and attend Hogwarts. Plus who wouldn't want to see a game of actual Quidditch, visit the Weasley's Shop or just laze around on the Grounds of Hogwarts.

3. Pride and Prejudice (or really any Austen Book)- I wouldn't necessarily want to be any of the characters, but I think it would be fun to dress up and be a proper lady with knitting circles, high tea and nothing to worry about except who your gonna marry.

If You want to join this or any upcoming Booking through Thursday:Go Here!

Would you like to live in any of the Books mentioned above? Let me know in the comments below, I love reading your responses.


  1. LOTR is such an awesome choice--being an elf or a hobbit would rock!

    We have a similar response.. Here's mine:

  2. LOTR is a great choice. It really is a beautiful landscape :)

  3. I agree with Harry Potter. I really want to ride a broom...or a dragon!

  4. I would go to pride and prejudice. Here's my BTT

  5. Gorgeous worlds in which to land! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. Great answers! Here's mine:


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