Weekly Wrap Up (16)

Welcome back to My Weekly Wrap Up!!! Each Week I will share My Weekly Wrap Up of Books (reviews,bought,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

E-Books For Review

Flesh Eaters by Alisha Adkins

*Thank You Alisha Adkins for providing an E-Copy to review.

Books For Review

Spartacus by Ben Kane

*Thank You Ben Kane and Random House UK for sending me a Hardcover copy to review.

Books Won/Gifted

Ave Judas by Cassian Brown (Goodreads Group Giveaway)
Baxter Mariah by Cassian Brown(Goodreads Group Giveaway)
A Short History Of The World by Christopher Lascelles(Gifted in Ebook form from Author)
Batman Super Villains Strike Adventure Book by Michael Teitelbaum(Won for my son from The Bookish Babes Giveaway)

E-Books Purchased

Solstice by Donna Burgess (Still Free On Kindle woot!!)
Year 50 by Geoff Bluske
Hourglass by Myra Mcentire

Books Purchased

None :(

Books Review

None :( I've been sick all week and got little to no reading done.

Book Giveaways

None but Tomorrow starts my way past due 200 Follow Giveaway :)

I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If you read my reviews,I thank you. Like what you see, please share.


  1. Flesh Eaters sounds interesting and scary! I really enjoyed Hourglass and hope you do too!
    Happy reading!
    My Stack

    1. Yeah I skimmed over the first chapter of Flesh Eaters and it was really good, can't wait to read the whole thing.

  2. Wow You got a lot of books. The only one that I am familiar with is Hourglass although I have not read it. I will have to look the others up.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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