{ Blog Tour!!! } The End of the World as We Know it by Iva-Marie Palmer Top Ten,Review and Giveaway

The End of the World as We Know It
Author: Iva-Marie Palmer
Publication Date: July 17,2012
Publisher: Alloy Entertainment

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The Breakfast Club meets The War of the Worlds in The End of the World as We Know It, the latest release from Alloy Entertainment (The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, 666 Park Avenue, Gossip Girl)

They wanted to party like it was their last night on earth. They just might get their wish….

Meet the four most unlikely heroes ever:

Teena McAuley: Queen Bee, first-class problem solver, resident heartbreaker.

Leo Starnick: UFO conspirator, pizza delivery boy, all-around slacker.

Evan Brighton: Baseball all-star, extreme virgin, Teena-worshipper.

Sarabeth Lewis: Straight-A student, weekend hermit, enemy of the color pink.

When Teena locks Leo, Evan, and Sarabeth in the basement during her biggest party of the year, she doesn’t plan on getting trapped in the Loser Dungeon herself. She can barely imagine a night with these dweebs—let alone a lifetime. But when an alien invasion destroys their entire Midwestern suburb, it looks like these unlikely friends are the last people on earth. Now, it’s up to them to save the world…

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I received this book for review from the Author. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in any way for them.


Sometimes a book comes around that leaves you just smiling. The End of the World as We Know It is one of those books. This book was pure Fun with a capital F! Take the best parts of The War of the Worlds, Men In Black and a A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy mix them together and you have this book. Yes, It was that awesome.

The End of the World as We Know It is told from the point of view of 4 teenagers who accidentally get locked in a basement right before an Alien Invasion happens. I liked how the cast of characters ended up together even if it was a bit convenient. SarahBeth,Teena,Leo and Evan realize very quickly that something bad has happened to their town and that it is up to them to figure out what that is. It is very nice that the Author chose to have the group get down to business rather than spend Chapters huddled in a safe place trying to figure out what to do next.

I loved this rag tag group of Teenagers it reminded me of the group from The Breakfast Club just with Aliens. I especially enjoyed Teena as she had some of the biggest growth as a Character and by the end I was genuinely happy she was alive.

Overall this book rocked and I really would love a movie version made of it in the future. I believe it would be just awesome to see on the big screen. My only small gripe is length. A line here or there removed would of helped the pacing a tiny bit. Did it downrate the book? In the end NO but I did consider it.

I highly suggest picking up The End of the World as We Know It. The book was fun, engrossing and the characters had great overall group dynamic. While the initial world building was brief it felt satisfying. As for the Aliens they were definitely not as cut and dry as I initially thought they'd turn out being. I even almost felt sorry for them once it was revealed why they came in the first place. In the end I will be giving The End of the World as We Know It ★★★★★.

Author Iva-Marie's Top Ten:
Post/Apocalyptic Movies

Hi, everyone! I am so excited to be on Blood, Sweat and Books and I love this Top Ten topic so thanks, Kristin! I thought long and hard about this one, and you'll see I designate whether the films I've chosen are apocalyptic (apocalypse happening right in the movie) or post-apocalyptic (clearly something's gone wrong on earth and characters are dealing with the fallout). Either way, I hope you enjoy the list, and I'd love to hear readers' picks on Twitter! Here go mine:

Night of the Comet (apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic in one) -- I watched this one while writing The End of the World As We Know It. It's very '80s and set in L.A. when a comet hits and leaves two mallrat Valley girls to fend for their lives against the evil forces that remain. Very campy, very weird, with some fun dialogue. (A little more would have been nice.)

Children of Men (post-apocalyptic) -- If this movie were a wine, it would have a depressing body with wistful notes and a hopeful finish. Plus, Clive Owen. Bottoms up.

Wall-E (post-apocalyptic) -- It's kind of insane how much social commentary fits into one a highly entertaining animated family film. The opening scenes give me chills, the space scenes lift me up, and the ending brought me to happy tears. Plus, the apocalypse is so totally humans' fault, it's kind of refreshing in a grim reminder kind of way.

Blade Runner (post-apocalyptic) -- This one is like a scrawled postcard from a cyberpunk noir Los Angeles I kind of want to hang out in, at least for a little while.

War of the Worlds (2005) (apocalyptic) -- This movie has one of those almost-like-you're-there qualities to it. Credit Spielberg for that. It's not my absolute favorite Spielberg, but even his imperfect stuff is still amazing most of the time.
12 Monkeys (post-apocalyptic) -- Time travel, a virus, a crazy conspiracy theorist played by a messy Brad Pitt (ever notice he does his best acting when he looks like crap?) I haven't seen this one in a while and now I want to again.
Escape from L.A. (post-apocalyptic) -- I know Escape from New York is probably the superior of the two but I hold dear the more overt campiness of this one, and the Bruce Campbell appearance.

I Am Legend (post-apocalyptic) -- I sometimes, as might be apparent from my book, fantasize about being trapped overnight in large public places (museums, libraries, shopping malls) by myself or with a few select others. In this movie, Will Smith has a whole city to himself, and while the film isn't perfect, the scenes of empty New York sure are.

Ghostbusters (apocalyptic) -- I know this one is not filed as an apocalypse movie, but if CNN was reporting a giant marshmallow man crushing NYC while two hell dogs snarled at the open gates to a hell dimension, I'd call it pretty world-ending. Plus, it's hilarious.

Terminator 2 (more post-apocalyptic, but a little pre-apocalyptic with the time travel) -- This one is here for personal reasons. I was 14 when this was released and couldn't help but hope Edward Furlong would pick me up on his motorcycle as Guns 'n' Roses blared. I've since let go of my crush on Edward Furlong but still know all the lyrics to "You Could Be Mine." And every so often, I find reason to say, "Come with me if you want to live."

Honorable Mention Pick:
Back to the Future (apocalyptic) -- This is one of my all-time favorite films and it will never make a list of apocalyptic movies but here's my reasoning: Marty McFly is fighting against the end of his world. The space-time continuum is serious stuff, people, and fading from one's family photos is certainly a personal apocalypse of sorts.

Author of The End of the World as We Know It from Alloy Entertainment. It's currently available as a NOOK exclusive from Barnes and Noble. Look for it on Kindle and other e-readers on August 18.

Palmer lives in Los Angeles with her husband and son and lots of (filled) bookshelves.

Website/ Author Facebook/ Twitter/ Goodreads/Book Facebook

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This prize is for an E-book copy only.


  1. Kinda bad, but MIB was my fav alien invasion movies.. Lol.
    They were hilarious & I like Will Smith.

    1. Men In Black rocks not bad at all. Not every Alien Invasion needs to be all doom and gloom.


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