Weekly Wrap Up (23)

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,bought,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

Netgalley/E-Books to review

Quarantine by John Smolens
Exhale (Just Breathe #2) by Kendall Grey

*Not many this week as I'm trying to play catch up on ones I already own.

Books Won/Gifted

A Feast of Infinite Rot by Andrew Van Wey *Won from Librarything
Pursuer by Monique Morgan*Won from Librarything

Free/E-Books Purchased

Above Ground by A.M. Harte
The Vector by MCM
The Hole by Aaron Ross Powell
Memoria by Alex Bobl

Books Reviewed

Exiled by M.R. Merrick
Alternity by Mari Mancusi


None Currently

I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews,I thank you. Like what you see, please share.


  1. Great haul! Here's mine



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