Freebie Friday (33)

It's time for another edition of Freebie Friday! Each week I compile a list of books that I've found for FREE and share them with all of you! All you have to do is click on the Title and it will take you to the purchase page.


Entangled by Nikki Jefford

Aurora Sky by Nikki Jefford

Awakened by Brenda K. Davies *Mature Content

Young Adult Fantasy

Awaken by Rachel D'Aigle

Marked by Kim Richardson

Everflame by Dylan Peters

Survival/Post Apocalyptic Fiction

Islanders by John Barlow

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)

*Authors Have an upcoming book that will be FREE? If so, let me know I'd love to feature your work in my post. Please share this post!! I thank you if you do.


  1. Just recently found your site and am totally loving it!! Thanks for all you do and share

  2. "Awakened" has *extreme* mature content. Once they start doing it, they don't stop.. Lol.

    1. Oh my, thanks for letting me know Nat!

    2. You're welcome. I wasn't expecting THAT much sex in it.. I ended up skipping at least 2-3 pages every time they did it because it was basically the same crap over and over.


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