Blog Tour, Interview & Giveaway!! Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting

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Title: Dead Silence
Series: Body Finder # 4
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Expected Publication: April 16,2013

Violet thought she'd made peace with her unique ability to sense the echoes of the dead and the imprints that cling to their killers...that is until she acquired an imprint of her own. Forced to carry a reminder of the horrible events of her kidnapping, Violet is more determined than ever to lead a normal life. However, the people who run the special investigative team Violet works for have no intention of letting her go.
When someone close to Violet becomes a suspect in a horrific murder, she finds herself pulled into a deadly hunt for a madman with an army of devoted followers. Violet has survived dangerous situations before, but she quickly discovers that protecting those closest to her is far more difficult than protecting herself.

Kimberly Derting Interview
1.For those readers who might not know your work, Can you tell them a bit about the books you write?

The Body Finder series is about a girl named Violet who has the (unfortunate) ability to locate murder victims—animal or human—by what she calls “echoes” that attach to their dead bodies. These echoes can be a taste in Violet’s mouth, a sound only she can hear, a sight, but whatever that unique echo is, it will also cling to the victim’s killer. When girls in Violet’s hometown start to go missing, and later turn up dead, she realizes that she may be the only one who can find their killer. DEAD SILENCE, which is out this month, is the fourth book in the series.

2.The Body Finder series is four books strong now. What keeps you coming back to the world?

I love the characters. If I didn’t love them, I would get bored and give up on them. Also, the storylines are endless. Every time I turn on the news or read the paper, I get another idea for a crazed serial killer.

3.What type of research goes into creating a series like The Body Finder?

I’ve been unknowingly doing research for THE BODY FINDER series since I was in my teens—reading psychological thrillers and true crime books as well as watching documentaries on serial killers. As an adult, I’ve pretty much watched every kind of crime drama out there (CSI, Bones, Medium, Criminal Minds, The Following). I’m also fortunate to have some very close friends who work in the Fire/Police departments who have been great resources that I’m constantly leaning on.

4.What is the appeal writing about serial killers versus say Vampires, Shifters etc..?

For me, it’s all about writing what I’m afraid of, and what scares me most are the things that can really serial killers. I can read about paranormal creatures, or even fictional serial killers, all day long, but as soon as I start doing research on real-life murderers, that’s when I start looking over my shoulder and double-checking the locks on my doors. I hope I can give readers just a taste of that creeped-out, edge-of-your-seat feeling with my books.

5.What has been the toughest criticism you've received as an Author? What has been the best compliment?

I actually had a review that used the word “barfalicious”. On the positive side, one half of that word refers to “delicious,” right? :) Sometimes I like to use a line from a bad review when I give school presentations, to show teens the darker side of being an author. The kids always get a laugh out of that!

The greatest compliment is easy; it’s when a reader tells me that they normally don’t like to read, but that they couldn’t put my book down. As the mother of a child who wasn’t a reader, I get how tough it is to find something for some kids to connect with. The fact that I can—in some small way—do that, is sort of incredible.

Seriously though, I generally try not to get too caught up in harsh criticisms. I much prefer the constructive ones!

6.Can you give us a small (2 or 3 lines) excerpt from Dead Silence?

Jay exhaled noisily. “Everything’s . . . fine.” He smiled at her, and Violet’s heart shuddered. She didn’t try to stop him when he closed the gap between them, his lips finding hers in a deep—and territorial—kiss.
When he was finished, she couldn’t find her voice for a long, breathless moment “That was for him, wasn’t it?”
“The kiss? Nah, that was for you, Vi. Only for you.”
She giggled. “I feel like I’m stuck in the middle of some kind of tug-of-war. Only I’m the rope and you two are trying to pull me apart.”
“Don’t kid yourself, you’re not the rope, you’re the prize.” Jay’s lazy grin reached all the way to his eyes. “And, for the record, I’ve already won.”

7.I hear you're a big Skittles fan. Have you tried the new Darkside flavors? If so, which is your favorite?

Umm, no! I haven’t even heard of them until now, but I just Googled them and will picking them up ASAP!! Thank you for that!

8.One last question, Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?

I am working on a brand new, super-secret project that I’m hoping to announce very, very soon, and to say that I’m excited about it would be an understatement!

Check Out The Tour Giveaway!! Ends 4/21

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Kimberly Derting Bio & Follow Links:
Kimberly Derting is the author of the BODY FINDER series (HarperCollins) and THE PLEDGE trilogy (Simon & Schuster). She lives in the Seattle area, with her husband and three children, who often find the outrageous things they say either in the pages of her books or posted on Twitter or Facebook for the entire world to see. 


  1. I really have to start on this series! I already have the two books!

  2. Great interview! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop!

  3. God, I love these books so much, I really love the parts where its from the killers point-of-view.

  4. Awesome interview! I love the little teaser too and I love dark side skittles as well. Can't wait to read Dead Silence. <3


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