Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway!! Otherborn by Anna Silver

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Rating: ★★★★
Author: Anna Silver    
Series: Otherborn #1
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian, Young Adult
Format: E-Book
Publisher: Sapphire Star Publishing
Copy Provided By: Author
Publication Date: April 4, 2013

London and her teenage friends live in a reprocessed world.

Confined within Capital City’s concrete walls, London has done the impossible and the illegal. She’s created something New- a song. But her mentor, club owner Pauly, is not impressed. Since the historic Energy Crisis forced everyone behind walls generations ago, the Tycoons have ensured there is truly nothing new allowed under the sun. Pauly warns London to keep her song to herself, if she knows what’s good for her.

What he doesn’t know is that London is keeping an even bigger secret: she dreams. And she’s not alone. London’s band-mates and friends have begun dreaming as well, seeing themselves in “night pictures” as beings from another world. As Otherborn, they must piece together the story of their astral avatars, the Others, in order to save their world from a dreamless, hopeless future.

When Pauly is murdered and an Otherborn goes missing, London realizes someone is hunting them down. Escaping along the Outroads, they brave the deserted Houselands with only their dreams to guide them. Can they find their friend before the assassin finds them? Will being Otherborn save their lives, or destroy them?


Ever feel like you don't belong? Meant for something more than the life you were born into? This is the way London feels every day. London isn't like other girls first of all she creates music, new music. In London's world New is bad. New is something to be feared. But London has another secret, one she keeps closely guarded. One that could shake the very foundation of her society. London thought her secret was safe, London thought nobody would find out, but she was wrong.

Considering this was a debut book, I was very impressed. Otherborn isn't your average run of the mill Dystopian. Sure Otherborn has traditional elements (corrupt Government, lack of resources etc...) but it also has High Fantasy, Science Fiction and a romance I actually could get behind. Yup, this book has it all and then some.

First thing I really enjoyed about Otherborn was the pacing. Lots of times with Dystopian books the pacing sometimes suffers while the Author is giving the reader back story. Not this book, from the first to last page Otherborn kept its pacing steady. No large info dump at the beginning, the story is revealed in small bites. Enough to satisfy the need for information but not so much that the narrative is bogged down.

Secondly, I loved the romance. Now I will say, If you're a fan of romance this might not be enough for you but for someone like me, I thought the amount was perfect. I love London and Rye they are cute together. Although that ending, why?!?! I really hope he's in the next book *hmph*.

Lastly, I really enjoyed the evil Tycoons. Government is a sham it's the big tycoons who rule the roost. The Tycoons control everything and everyone. These guys aren't just corrupt, they invented the word. However, I suppose that is what makes them great antagonists!!

Now as much as I really enjoyed Otherborn I did have a few small little gripes with the story. Well, mainly Avery. Predictable that plot device was. I pretty much had her character figured out from the beginning. By the end, I wasn't shocked and mainly found myself annoyed that my predictions were true. Although, I do hope for redemption from her character in the next book. I have a small glimmer of hope based on the ending. It is very small and I don't even know if what I saw is an indicator of her not being 100% to blame, but I'll take it.

The only other thing I didn't like was London's cutting. In the overall scheme of things its a small gripe but a memorable one for me. I have to say though I'm not a fan of the practice especially when used for what I see as shock factor vs. to show real pain that the character is experiencing. In my opinion London didn't feel emotionally damaged enough to be a cutter. I didn't like it, didn't understand it, think it would of been better not in the book.

Overall, Otherborn was an enjoyable read. As uplifting as it was heartbreaking, Otherborn is sure to please. I definitely recommend picking up a copy of this title and giving it a go. The book does have a cliffhanger but it sets up the next book nicely and most importantly it felt satisfying. With that being said, I'll be rating Otherborn by Anna Silver ★★★★.

Author Bio & Links
Anna Silver is an artist and writer living in the greater Houston area with her family, pets, and overactive imagination. Her art, which includes oil paintings, assemblage sculptures, and fairy houses, has been featured in the Houston gallery Las Manos Magicas. She studied English Writing & Rhetoric at St. Edward’s University in Austin. She has written web copy for private clients and freelanced for the Hill Country Current in Texas. Her write-up on a past-life regression experience was chosen to be featured in best-selling author Brian Weiss’ new book. She is a member of the Writer’s League of Texas. OTHERBORN is her first published novel.

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  1. Kristin, I loved your review! Thank you so, so much. I hope you share it on Goodreads/Amazon/B&N and get your 10 entries in the Kindle giveaway! :)

  2. Yay so happy you enjoyed this one! The Tycoons sound intimidating and like great villains! It's cool that the blend of genres work out, too, it mixes things up a bit. I also find the cover kind of creepy! >.< Great review, doll!

    1. Yes! Totally great villains. It was nice not exactly having the Government be the bad guys. I mean they are but in a total round about way.


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