Early Review: As The World Dies (Untold Tales Vol.3) by Rhiannon Frater

Author: Rhiannon Frater
Genre: Post Apocalyptic, Zombies
Series: As The World Dies Untold Tales Vol.3
Expected Publication: Coming Soon!

In the third volume of the AS THE WORLD DIES UNTOLD TALES experience three terrifying tales of those who are forced to face the unrelenting and hungry walking dead.

Returning to Texas after celebrating his divorce in Vegas, Rune, a biker cursed with the ability to see ghosts, discovers that the world is being taken over by the hungry undead. Soon he realizes he will have to depend on all his abilities to survive not only the ravenous zombies, but the dangerous men lurking on the back roads of Texas.

Senator Paige Brightman abandoned the Madison Mall and its inhabitants to the hungry hordes, but her journey did not end there. Her attempt to reach the president’s safe haven called Central has far reaching ramifications for her and the people she abandoned.

The final in the three stories reveals the aftermath of the great battle in SIEGE as one woman faces the ultimate decision whether to live or die in a world of the undead.

Never has a Zombie story touched me as Rhiannon Frater's As The World Dies series has. This world and these characters will forever hold a special place in my heart. I laughed, I cried and then when I thought I was done, I cried some more. Over the course of the series I was put through the emotional gauntlet and yet still somehow managed to come out victorious.

Like every other Untold Tale this book is broken up into stories that follow individual characters from The As The World Dies universe. The first story follows the character Rune. His journey starts right at the beginning of the Zombie mayhem. Now I must warn you, grab some tissues. Just 11 pages in and I was already crying. However, this sadness does help propel the character onward to his final destination so it is worth it. Rune also has the special ability to see Ghosts. Which if you can guess gets a bit messy with so many newly dead roaming the planet. The Ghosts do have a purpose and I certainly loved seeing more of them. Especially the brief glimpses from characters I knew to be dearly departed.

Next up is a tale that follows Senator Paige Brightman. She is one cold hearted bitch let me tell you. However, it was definitely cool getting to see how the horde that eventually finds the fort came to be and also what happened with certain characters in her crew along the way.

Last up is a tale from a character called Emma who was omitted from the main storyline in the Tor edition. Her place in the scheme of things is nonetheless important. Emma in many ways is the most heartbreaking character of them all. Left alone in a dead world all she can do is hold onto the hope her son is alive. Those ten tiny fingers make an appearance again and I swear when I saw that line I had Book PTSD.  Yup, prepare to cry some more. Emma's tale is my second favorite and when I was done I felt satisfied all will be right with the world and the survivors as long as they had each other. I would of loved to see Emma in the main story but getting to hear her tale now is  still satisfying and it added a certain completion I hadn't been feeling until then. Also one of the best parts of Emma's story is  we get to see the fort again!!! I won't give up what happens or how she arrives but it put a big smile on my face.

Overall, while I'm sad this journey through the As The World Dies universe is done, I am happy The Untold Tales Vol. 3 was a worthy ending for the characters I've come to love. The majority of the questions I had after Siege were answered and I can move on knowing that in some alternate plain these characters are still surviving strong and kicking much Zombie ass in the process.

That being said, I  HIGHLY recommend picking The Untold Tales Vol. 3 up and giving it a go. The writing, the world building and character development is perfect. Really, I have no complaints. Which is why when all is said and done, I will be rating The Untold Tales Vol. 3 by Rhiannon Frater ★★★★★.


  1. Great to hear you enjoyed and it touched you,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. It was very satisfying even though I'm sad to see the end.


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