Zurvival Saturday (54) Interview with Author Tristan Vick
Q: For those readers who might not know your
work, Can you tell them a bit about the books you write? Oh and for
fun do it in ten sentences or less.
A: I would describe myself as a genre-buster. I don’t necessarily believe in genres. Only in stories. Genre is akin to tonality of a piece. So I refuse to confine myself to any one given tone. It would be like becoming monotone. Bland. So I mix every possible genre you can think of into my stories. If words were like musical notes, I bust it open, and let the music flow. Stereophonic!
What is your writing process like? Is it sporadic or do you set
yourself daily/weekly writing goals and stick to them?
A: Actually, it depends
on how busy life gets. I live and work as a teacher in Japan. I have
a full time day job, and on top of this I commute three hours on the
train every day to and fro work. In addition to the daily grind, I
have a three year old daughter. She’s currently in her “No!”
phase, and says “no” to everything. So things can get pretty
So when things slow down
enough that I can catch a breath, I like to write whenever I have a
large chunk of free time. Mostly on weekends and holidays. That’s
when I get the most work done. But I carry my laptop with me wherever
I go, so if I need to get something down during a free hour or a
lunch break, and can sneak in a bit of writing here and there. When I
get close to a deadline I like to get myself on a proper schedule for
at least the last two weeks, and that usually means blocking out the
rest of the world and locking myself in my room. I’ll even take a
few days off work if I have to. So that’s how I roll.
How long does it generally take you to write a book from start to
My first novel Bitten: A Resurrection
Thriller took six months for the
writing part. Another four months for editing, cover design, digital
formatting, book blocking, etc. Bitten
2: Land of the Rising Dead only took
four months to write because I was in the swing of things having come
of the momentum of the first book (and because I had the time). But
the third installment, which I have about 60% done, has taken a full
year, and I have a bit more to go on it. So it really depends on the
novel and how much time I can get in writing wise.
What type of research goes into creating a series like Bitten?
A: I researched virology
quite a lot actually. I am a huge science junkie in my normal life. I
read science journals and popular science books on everything from
physics to neuroscience to genetics just for fun. I hardly ever read
fiction, except for research.
So, to answer your
question, I actually had to put down the science books and read about
a dozen or so zombie novels to get into the mindset and catch up with
the current vernacular, because it’s not an area I knew much about.
Additionally, I had to do
a bit of research on firearms, because I am not a gun guy by any
means. So I called up a couple of my cousins who are in the military
and got their input, then on top of doing a lot of Wiki searches and
Google searches to learn about the types of guns, I found a beta
reader who was familiar with firearms and knew everything there was
to firing a weapon. And before you count me out as totally gun naïve,
I grew up in Montana, and so yes, I have shot rifles and handguns
But it’s good to know
what you’re talking about. So this research helped me write about
guns and keep it somewhat believable. Besides, my story isn’t a
military war drama, it’s a survival story and the drama is all
character driven. So guns really weren’t at the forefront at all.
Besides this, my beta reader challenged me to actually use less guns.
He said if you can tell the story without having to use any guns, it
will be scarier. I agree. It also makes you have to find better, more
inventive, ways to get your characters out of sticky situations (just
an FYI for anybody thinking of writing a zombie story).
As for the science that
goes into my books, I try and keep it tied to real world events. I
find current events scarier than just making something up. With the
recent reports of the Chinese mixing bird-flu with strands of human
influenza, creating deadly influenza hybrids that could kill darn
near all of humanity, I find these real-life topics a lot more
frightening than anything I could dream up—and this inevitably
finds its way into my stories.
Why did you choose Zombies instead of the ever popular Vampire genre
to focus on?
A couple of things actually. First off, I wanted to challenge myself
as a writer. I write an anti-religious blog called the Advocatus
Atheist and I have a hundred
subscribers and get over 2,000 page views a week and around 4,000
hits a week. I’ve been engaged in the religious debate ever since
my deconversion from 30 years of Evangelical Christianity back in
2009. After several years of being caught up in the dialectic, the
whole argumentative tone just began to wear on me, and I was looking
to stop writing religious criticisms and critiques and begin writing
something original for a change. Something fun. Don’t get me wrong,
proper criticisms have their own rewards—it’s a great way to
vent—but I really wanted to begin creating instead of simply
tearing down.
I did a bit of market research and, well, this brings me to point
number two, zombies were the hot thing. Hotter than vampires even, at
least in terms of sales and media buzz. So I challenged myself to
write my first novel, and move away from non-fiction essay writing
and start writing fiction.
I just wanted to see if I could do it. Because non-fiction and
fiction are totally different styles of writing. My degree is in
Literary Criticism, but it’s basically an English Lit. degree.
Which is not a practical degree. You can’t really use it for much.
But one of the benefits was I have been introduced to a lot of good
literature, and I had a lot of good writing teachers, and so I wanted
to put my training to use—otherwise what is the point of getting a
Lit. degree?
the same time, I really wanted to write something I would never think
of writing myself. Horror isn’t something I am familiar with, so I
said to myself, try it. Try it and you’ll see. You’ll either
crash and burn or succeed. The verdict is still out, but I personally
feel that I succeeded. I mean, I stand by my debut novel Bitten. It’s
something I’m proud of. More importantly though, it’s something I
love doing. So I’m gonna keep doing it—keep writing—and keep
pushing my limits--as long as time allows.
How do your zombies differ from those in popular fiction today?
A: They don’t. They are
the George A. Romero, classic slow, shambling, undead monsters we
have all come to know and love. They are the biohazard styled,
decaying corpses, reanimated mysteriously by spooky science. But at
the end of the day, any real good zombie story isn’t about the
zombies, per se. It’s about the characters. Or at least it should
be. If you write sentient zombies, like my friend and author Tonia
Brown, for example, then your zombies could also be characters.
But in most cases zombies
are just the setting, or the backdrop. They are the things lurking in
the shadows waiting to jump out and eat you. One of the things I
found out in my research is that over half of the zombie fiction out
there is just people killing zombies and zombies killing people and
there is really not that much in the way of good storytelling. But
then there are those rare gems, those diamonds in the rough, which
just stand out as brilliant works because they have real engaging
plots, good character drama, and a lot of intrigue happening. That’s
what I set out to do. Write real engaging stories with characters
that were so fascinating that you literally forgot it was a zombie
story—and then suddenly—throw a zombie at you! GrahhH!
I found this a more
effective strategy for writing genuine scares into the story than
simply having non-stop brutality and gore for no good reason
Do you believe the zombie genre is over saturated or do you think
it's just a testament to the genres popularity?
A: Oh, it’s definitely
over saturated (at least for the time being). But that said, it
doesn’t mean that there is nothing of value to find within the
genre. Like I said earlier, I don’t believe in genres. Genre is
just a convenient way for publishers to label, categorize, and sell
specific types of stories to specific audiences. It helps Amazon.com
organize and rank book sales, for example. And it’s true, people
have different tastes, but really, it’s hard to classify every
little thing because everything is so different. Especially when it
comes to literature. So it seems to me that genre labeling is more a
form of pigeonholing to me, and then chances are your story might get
stereotyped because it caters to a specific audience, and so they
will just lump it into one of the popular genres. Which means some
readers might never hear of your work entirely. I know this was the
case with the author Cormac McCarthy for his novel The Road.
Which really didn’t fit in any given genre, but was closer to
post-apocalyptic than anything else, so that’s the genre it was
wedged into.
And, well, the whole
labeling game will continue as long as people keep trying to
pigeonhole every literary work into some type of genre. Frankly, I
find it a little too superfluous.
I believe in good stories
and bad stories. Likewise, there are some good zombie stories and far
too many bad ones. But the way I see it, because the genre is
currently over saturated, we will have a higher percentage of quality
stories being churned out. The problem is how much of the mediocrity
we have to sift through to find it. But for every ten amazing,
excellent, first class zombie stories out there we might expect to
find only one or two great vampire stories, for example. The bigger
numbers of books being written means there will always be a greater
amount of quality stories, and I think that is
something worth boasting about.
At the same time, I am
weary of all the five star reviews that diehard zombie fans give
genre authors (authors who merely want to play in the sandbox of that
genre and no other). I have read many of those books and I wouldn’t
even throw two stars at them. So the overhype isn’t doing the genre
any favors, because if someone writes a crap zombie story and the
fans give it five stars, that just compels and motivates them to
write another crappy zombie story. I usually read the bad reviews
first on other people’s zombie books, to see what people are
complaining about, and then I just don’t do that. I try to learn
from the mistakes of others so I won’t unwittingly make the exact
same mistakes. Because when the oversaturation gets so heavy that it
sinks the genre, and it most likely will, the only stories which will
have lasting power are the ones which are those which transcend the
genre itself.
If you had to choose just one character to be on your Zombie
apocalypse survival team, who would they be and why?
A: Zombie Jesus. Because
he wouldn’t be affected by the zombies, since he already is one,
and if I was so unfortunate to get bit, he could just use his
God-powers to cure and resurrect me anyway. Problem solved!
What is your zombie weapon of choice and why?
A: Katana. Unlike a
chainsaw, it never runs out of gas. Unlike a gun, it never runs out
of ammunition.
The main character of my
second novel, Bitten 2: Land of the Rising Dead, is a Japanese
high school girl named Saeko Sakaguchi. She’s roughly based off one
of my ex-students who is a real life All-Japan Kendo champion. So
yeah, I gave my character a sword, as I think it’s the most
practical weapon in the zombie apocalypse. (Note: I was unaware of
The Walking Dead when I began my novel over two years ago. I
started writing just as the first season of TWD aired, and I had no
idea that the series had a character with a katana, i.e. Michonne. So
that was totally a coincidence.)
Have you hidden any Easter eggs in your books? Personal stuff or
jokes known only to a chosen few?
Not so much Easter eggs as a lot of references to music, movies,
literature, and art. If you’re well read, my stories will seem to
have a literary value other zombie stories lack. I’m not saying
this to sound all sophisticated or anything, but you’ll be able to
find Neil Diamond lyrics, a slew of pop-culture references, and I
have also layered in lines of Shakespeare and poetry too. I find it
just gives my stories a bit of flavor. In other words, it’s not
just people cussing and running from zombies. It’s people cussing
and quoting Shakespeare whilst running form zombies. And that’s far
cooler than your ordinary cussing.
What is your favorite must have snack while working?
I try not to snack while working. But I have been known to drink a
Coke now and again while writing.
What advice would you give to other aspiring writers trying to get
I self-published all of my works so far. So if you really want to
write something and see it in print, there’s no reason you
shouldn’t be able to. With print on demand services like
CreateSpace, LuLu, and Lightening Source self-publishing has become
the easiest and most efficient way to get your stuff out there. But
don’t expect to make any money off your writing. Write because it’s
a passion. Very few are ever lucky enough to make it a full time
profession. Just keep that in mind going in.
guess the other thing I would add is take your time and don’t rush.
Make sure you get all the kinks ironed out first. I made far too many
rookie mistakes and always wish I would have taken a lot more time on
the first book. Luckily, I went back and re-did the entire thing. I
hired a professional cover designer, a professional free-lance
editor, a proof reader and a beta (test) reader. I should have done
this the first time, because an unprofessional book is not the first
impression you want to make—especially if you want to be taken
seriously as a writer.
One last question, Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?
It would be my pleasure! I am currently finishing up Bitten
3: Kingdom of the Living Dead which
brings my trilogy to a close. That said, I am going to take a break
from zombies for a while after the third book is finished. My next
two major projects include a steam punk novel called: The
Modern Prometheus: Aberration at Time’s Arbor,
and a ribald and raunchy comedy (which I may have the honor of
co-authoring with the lovely and talented Tonia Brown) entitled:
Prostitutes from Outer Space!
In addition to these works I have just finished plotting out a rather epic space opera called the Daughter of Sol: Prophecy of the Enchiridion. This will be an epic sci-fi adventure series in the vein of the great classic space operas like Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and Stargate. But I promise it’s not at all derivative. In fact, my story has more in common with Titan A.E. and The Fifth Element than the aforementioned classics. I have spent two years fleshing out the story and characters. It’s the most time I’ve ever spent preparing a story—so I really hope it turns out well.
finally! I am editing a non-fiction compendium of personal essays by
those who have deconverted from religion and have become nonbelievers
in one capacity or another. People who were once ardent practitioners
of faith, but for whatever reason, left the fold. This book is nearly
ready for publication, and I have had the pleasure with working with
the philosopher and author Jonathan M.S. Pearce, who is working on it
with me. We have stories from a variety of religious deconverts,
including two ex-Christian ministers, an ex-Zen Yogi, several cult
survivors, an ex-Mormon and so on and so forth.
my next couple of years include non-stop writing on top of some more
non-stop writing. Needless to say I have a lot on my plate. Thanks
for taking an interest!
To learn more about Tristan or his books click on the links below!
Goodreads / www.TristanVick.com / @subayaitori / Facebook
Goodreads / www.TristanVick.com / @subayaitori / Facebook
that about wraps up this weeks Zurvival Saturday. Like what you see?
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