Waiting On Wednesday (62) The Troop by Nick Cutter

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine.
For this weeks Waiting On Wednesday I chose The Troop by Nick Cutter.

Expected Publication:
January 7, 2014

Lord of the Flies meets The Ruins in this frightening novel written in the bestselling traditions of Stephen King and Scott Smith.

Boy Scouts live by the motto “Be Prepared.” However, nothing can prepare this group of young boys and their scoutmaster for what they encounter on a small, deserted island, as they settle down for a weekend of campfires, merit badges, and survival lessons.

Everything changes when a haggard stranger in tattered clothing appears out of nowhere and collapses on the campers’ doorstep. Before the night is through, this stranger will end up infecting one of the troop’s own with a bioengineered horror that’s straight out of their worst nightmares. Now stranded on the island with no communication to the outside world, the troop learns to battle much more than the elements, as they are pitted against something nature never intended…and eventually each other.

 Why Am I Waiting?
The Troop sounds so good. I love Horror it is my favorite genre but lately the books seem watered down. To put it in movie terms they feel PG-13. I'm really hoping The Troop can break the cycle of sub par Horror. Even if it isn't scary if the story is good I'll be happy.

Since I'm curious, Have you heard of The Troop before? 
What January 2014 releases are you looking forward to? 
What is your favorite Horror book or series?

Leave your answers in the comments below. I love to read your responses.
That about wraps up my Waiting On Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave a link to your Wednesday memes in the comments below, I love finding new books to read. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. Ooohh sounds interesting. Reminds me a little of Cabin Fever. I love when people are trapped on an island and all hell breaks lose.
    My WOW

    1. Definitely. The only way off an island is boat and if those have been compromised then your only option is to stay and fight!

  2. Wow! Where did you find this one. I have never seen it before but it sounds and looks amazing. Great pick :)

    Tanja @ Ja čitam, a ti?

    1. I saw it on a bloggers review books received pile a week or two ago. :)

  3. It sounds like an interesting read!! Love the cover too!!

    Here’s My WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  4. Sounds like an intriguing read! Haven't heard of it before.

    Thanks for visiting my WoW!

  5. i like my suspense novels but i don't think i can read a horror novel. that cover is fierce though!

    my WoW pick this week

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  6. This is the kind of book that gives me nightmares and feeds into my paranoia infused 'what if' daydreams. I'm not entirely sure if I should check it out or not. It sounds quite gripping though, so that may be what gets me.

    Your header is eerily gripping. It gives me this uneasy haunted feeling. Whoever did it should be commended.

    I'll be around. I'm going to follow you one way or another :)

    Here's my WoW should you feel like checking me out at my book blog Vicariously!

    1. Oh I hate the What If dreams. They can really mess with your head. As for the header I'm not sure who the originally artist was unfortunately. It was just a stock photo I found to use. It's deliciously creepy though which is why I picked it in the first place. :)

  7. Hadn't heard of this before but it sounds really good - the cover is so eerie too. I'm not always the best with horror - I think they sound good and end up not sleeping for a week, but I always try them again! I'll look out for this one :)

    1. Awesome. I hope if you like it if you take the chance to read it.

  8. Love the sound of this one. Is it bad that anytime I read "bioengineered hazard", I automatically hope it's zombies of some sort? Hope this one is sufficiently creepy!

    1. Look who you're talking to lol. Now rethink that question :P

  9. Great pick! The story sounds intense and olive the cover.

  10. This does sound interesting and I do love the cover. I don't read horror books often, although I do love horror movies, so I don't really have a favorite series or author. I did see this book on Edelweiss (fyi). Great pick!
    Natflix&Books' WoW

  11. Wow, this seems wonderfully creepy. And I love the cover. Great pick!

    1. I'm really hoping it is as creepy as it sounds.

  12. I haven't heard of this book but it sounds very interesting and super creepy!

    Awesome pick!
    - Sam @ Falling Books

  13. Ooh, Kristin! This does look good! I think I may have seen it once before but it was awhile ago.

    Thanks for stopping by my WOW!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  14. Oooh! This sounds really interesting! I'll be adding it to my TBR list! Great pick, thanks for sharing!

    My WoW

  15. Ooh, I hadn't heard of this book before but now I'm really intrigued! Definitely adding it to my TBR list so that I don't forget to check it out!
    Great pick :)

  16. Ooh I really like that cover great pick :)

    Jaime @ Two Chicks On Books

  17. This sounds interesting! Great pick! :)

    My WoW

  18. Reminds me of Girl Scouts, although nothing as dangerous xD Thanks for stopping by my post!

  19. Looks good, I really like the cover.

    Cricket@ Little Library Muse

  20. I really want to read Lord of the Flies and this book sounds so good! Awesome pick.

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my WoW earlier.

    Happy reading!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  21. Wow, I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds kind of brilliant. Lord of the Flies was one of the few required reading books that I enjoyed.

    Thanks for visiting Working for the Mandroid!

  22. Oh yes that looks terrifying especially due to the mention of Lord of the Flies...I don't see this ending well.


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