Giveaway: Vamps vs. Zombies Blog Hop!!

Vamps vs Zombie Blog Hop
Welcome to my stop on the Vamps vs. Zombies Blog Hop
hosted by April @ My Shelf Confessions.

Up for Grabs is a $5 Amazon Giftcard and a Vampire or Zombie book of choice (up to $10).  Since I'm #TeamZombie all the way I figured it'd be fun to list my reasons for why Zombies are clearly superior to Vampires.
Early Warning System. If you hear a moan you have time to run away before they eat you.                                       Climb through the window while you're sleeping to suck blood. That's just rude!
Helpful in decreasing the surplus population. Sure their numbers might increase but it's the thought that counts.Due to "secrecy" Vampires try very hard to not increase numbers. They'd rather suck and move on.

More fun to kill!  From traditional weapons to household supplies the possibilities for proper Zombie slayage are endless.
Holy water, sunlight or stakes= yawn. 
 Zombies are equal opportunity hunters. They don't care if you're young, old, black or white. If you have a heartbeat they'll pretty much be down for eating you. Vampires are picky eaters. Sure they all like blood but who it comes from is another story altogether. That's right people, Vampires discriminate.
Versatility! Zombies don't feel pain, can move about during the day and will still chase you down if caught on fire.Can't move outside during the day, still feel pain, fire kills them.
Strength in numbers. Zombie hordes are scary yo. Vampires prefer to hunt alone.

Zombies aren't hot. They smell, have bits of flesh falling off them and are usually covered in blood and guts. Ridiculously good looking, cold to the touch, like sex. Why is this an issue? Necrophilia. Many men and women are lured in by Vampires sexiness causing necrophilia cases around the country to rise in alarming numbers.

Don't agree? Feel free to sound off in the comments below! Now onto the Giveaway!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm so, so, sorry. I accidentally deleted the rafflecopter and had to remake it. If you already entered I hope you enter again. Again I am so sorry.
Giveaway Rules
Must be 13 years or older to enter.
Giveaway open INT as long as The Book Depository ships to you (Check Here)
Winner will be e-mailed after Giveaway has ended.
Winner has 48 hours to respond with shipping details before an alternative winner is chosen.
Winner may choose E-Book if they prefer.
Prizes will be shipped within a month of Giveaway ending. However life does sometimes get in the way and prize may be shipped later. 

Please make sure to stop by the other blogs participating as well.


  1. I love both vamps and zombies. Fav zombies books are Newsflesh trilogy and WWZ Thank for hosting and I love your lists!

  2. ^^ The book with zombies i've read they can't go in the sun either ^^ ( and in some sries vampires can so that point isn't as valid as you though^^) I do love your list though

    now if you asked me favourite vampire books i could have answered ( night huntress series, penton legacy series midnight, series by lara adrian) but film... i simply can't because i don't watch zombie or vampires film ( i love vampires books but the films don't catch my interest strange i know)

    1. Not strange at all. I'm that way with certain genres of books as well.

  3. Team Vampire, definitely! :) I'm currently reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, and I'm totally in love with Matthew, my kind of vampire! :D

  4. I love the As the World Dies series. :)

    Thanks for the chance!

  5. Vampire Academy is my favorite vampire book and my favorite zombie movie is 28 Days Later.

  6. I am team Vampire and I would have to say I love Vampire Academy so I am really looking forward to that movie! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  7. Team Zombie! I love The Forest Of Hands & Teeth!

  8. Team Zombie! I just received a new zombie book called The Harvesting. I can't wait to read it. I have already fallen in love with the author because I like her slogan that goes with the book. It is all fun and games until someone ends up Undead.

    Thank you for the giveaway.


  9. Team Vampire! And my favorite movie is Dracula. :)

    1. Do you prefer old school Bela Lugosi or the modern Gerard Butler from Dracula 2000?

  10. Thanks for the giveaway! I like vampires, strangely I like the ones in the Moral Instruments with Simon. <3

  11. Team Vampire- i would say Jennifer 'Jenna' Talbot from Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins.. I like others but i cant think of any at the moment.. There are also a bunch i have wish listed!!

  12. My favorite vampire book is Dark Magic by Christine Feehan.


  13. Team Vampire- I love the Blackdagger Brotherhood, The Midnight Breed by Lara Adrian too.

    Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman

  14. Team Zombie - World War Z was a great book and it's a great movie too!

  15. My favorite zombie movie is 30 Days of Night. It scares me to death. I really like I Am Legend as well.

  16. Team Vampire. I love Bones and Spade from the NIght HUntress series.

  17. Team Vampire - I love Eric from the Sookie Stakehouse books

    Thanks for the giveaway ^^

  18. Hey can I choose time fickle LOL I love Team Zombie, that is until the smell gets to me, at which time I am a total double agent hopping over to Team Vamp for a little old world charm Thank you for the fun a favorite zombie series - As the World Dies series by Rhiannon Frater and a favorite vamp series - Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton - best of both worlds by my thinking!

    1. Well I read the question again . . . what a day. I do not have a favorite zombie movie, but I love The Walking Dead television series ;)

  19. I love vampires AND zombies, so it was hard to choose a team! I picked Zombie though and one of my favorite zombie movies is Shaun of the Dead :)

  20. i am team fave zombies movies is THE WALKING DEAD TV SERIES..
    thx u ;)

  21. I really hate to choose favorites among my vampires, they get so upset about it. But if I really have to, at the moment I will pick Black Dagger Brotherhood, tomorrow it will be different. Thanks for sharing the hop and the giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

  22. Zombie and I adored Reapers Are The Angels, great book that one

  23. I really like Adrian Ivashkov from Bloodlines :D

  24. My favorite vampire would have to be Lisa from VA.

  25. I entered your Vamps vs. Zombies Blog Hop Giveaway.
    I am Team Vampire.
    In response to your question of
    What is your favorite Vampire book or character?
    My favorite vampire book is Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
    and my favorite character is Eric Northman.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!

  26. My favorite vampire is Damon, frm the Vampire Diaries TV series!!

  27. Team Vampire! Loved The Immortal Rules!

  28. Team Zombie - I love The Walking Dead TV Series. I just finished watching the second season today and it's really great. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. team zombie: warm bodies! :D such a nice, witty movie. thoroughly enjoyed it :D

  30. My favorite vampire book is Bad Mouth by Angela McCallister. Thanks for the giveaway.

  31. Team Vampire- My favorite will always be Dracula.

  32. Team Vampire my favorite is Lothaire from Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  33. Team Vampire! My favorite is Eric from Sookie Stackhouse Series.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  34. Favorite Vampire book is The Indigo Spell.

  35. I love them both, honestly. Right now, I would go with Sean of the Dead as my Zombie movie!

  36. Vampires-but only certain ones (I discriminate right back at them) :P

    For Vampire Books-I am an old-fashioned Anne Rice fan.
    For Zombie books-I loved Z.A. Recht's Morningstar Strain

    1. I'll take old-fashioned Anne Rice any day at least they acted like Vampires.

  37. I have to admit that I have not read much of either but I have read the Twilight saga so that would be my favorite vampire series so far :)

  38. I'm not Team Zombie but I do love the Walking Dead, as for Vampires I love the Vampire Academy series, and Simon in the Mortal Instruments series

  39. Also, your list is so cute/funny :)

  40. Team Vamp and I like Edward from Twilight and Eric from True Blood!

  41. I love both Vamp and Zomie i love the walking dead.

  42. I am Team Vampire. My favorite vampire book is Twilight and vamp is Edward. My favorite TV vamp is Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries.

  43. I'm team Vampire and one of my favorite vampire series is Vampire Academy and my favorite vamp characters are, of course, Rose and Dimitri(VA series) but also Cat and Bones from The Night Huntress series.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  44. I'm Team Zombie, and I'd have to call it a tie between Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland.

  45. I'm still undeclared! My favorite vampire book is LOVE IS BLINDNESS by Sean Michael--Lucian is the first vampire that made me see what all the fuss is about! No zombie favorites yet, though I've seen some intriguing-looking ones...


  46. My favorite vampire is Lestat from Anne Rice. My favorite zombies are from The Walking Dead. Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. Team Vampire- What is your favorite Vampire book or character?
    Kaname Kuran of "Vampire Knight" ♥

  48. My fav zombie movie is Dawn of the dead.

  49. My favorite zombie movie is Warm Bodies

  50. Favorite Zombie Movie is of course Zombieland! One halloween I dressed up as Tallahassee and my hubs was my zombie kill of the week! yeah top that babbbbbyyyy heheh

  51. Team Vampire and my favorite vampire is Eric from True Blood/ Sookie Stackhouse series :)

  52. Team vampire and I love Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse series or Asher from the Anita Blake series! Thank you! kamclauc AT gmail DOT com

  53. My favorite vampire is Eric the vampire in the Sookie series. My favorite zombie show is The Walking Dead (sorry-had to switch from movie to tv because that one is like a movie and so good)! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  54. My favorite zombie movie is Warm Bodies! :D
    (Ileana A.-rafflelcopter)

  55. My favorite Vampire book is Interview with a Vampire.

  56. Team Vamp! I Love Bones from the Night Huntress series!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. I don't have a favorite vampire movie, but my favorite zombie movie is Shaun of the Dead.

  58. Team Vampire! I love Bones from the Night Huntress seires by Jeaniene Frost :) Thank you for the giveaway.

  59. i like both, but i prefer zombies
    I like Alice in Zombieland

  60. I love the vampire academy books! I've got Alice in Zombieland on my book shelf just waiting to be read though :)

  61. My favorite vampire is Edward Cullen.

  62. I love vamps, and my favorite book vamp is Jean-Claude, from Laurrell K Hamliton's Anita Blake series. But I really enjoy the House of Night, Vampire Academy, Anne Rice, and the Sookie Stackhouse BOOKS (not the show). Angel was an awesome tv show!

    1. Oo Angel, I was hoping someone mentioned him.

  63. I love Dante Baptiste from Adrian Phoenix's The Maker's Song series.

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  64. Team Vampire- one of my favorites is Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  65. Although I read both, I'm Team Zombie, I love zombie books, although I prefer zombie books to zombie movies, but I do love the first Resident Evil movie.

    And the only vampire I love is Bones from Night Huntress, but I don't think that anyone can resist him ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. I'm team vampire, though well-written zombies will beat poorly-written vampires any day! Recently I read The Darkangel, and it was great!


  67. I love all zombie movies, even the bad ones. Fav is Zombie land. Don't forget to know your exits and always double tap.

  68. Team Zombie - Fav movie is Dawn of the Dead, fav book is As the World Dies by R. Frater

  69. Loved True Blood.. ERICCCC!!! Anita Blake Series!! JEAN CLAUDE!! So many though.. thanks for the hop!
    vals_hemi at yahoo dot com

  70. Bones from th Night Huntress series and Stefan from The Mercy Thompson series.

  71. Team Vampire.. Love the Vampire Empire and True Blood Series... Walking Dead is great too.. thanks for chance.. ;))

    erikalrhodes at gmail dot com

  72. Team Vampire.. Love the Vampire Empire and True Blood Series... Walking Dead is great too.. thanks for chance.. ;))

    erikalrhodes at gmail dot com

  73. Team Vampire. Bones from Night Huntress!

  74. My favorite zombie movie is Shaun of the Dead!

  75. I love The Eternity Cure. Great vamps!


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