Booking Through Thursday (38) Imagery

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly bookish meme where participants are asked a series of questions about their reading habits. To join this or future Booking Through Thursdays Click Here.

This Week BTT Asks:
How much do you visualize when you read? Do you imagine faces for the characters?
Can you see the locations in your mind’s eye? Or do you just plunge ahead with the story, letting the imagery fall to the wayside?

I am a very visual reader.  Nearly every book I read is played out like a mini movie in my head. I "cast" actors or imagine someone I think best resembles the characters and also give them distinct voices. I also build the world from the ground up. This especially becomes crucial if the Author is very vague on details. If I can't fill in the gap, most likely I won't enjoy the book as much. I've even sunk so deep into a story before that I've tricked my mind into actually smelling the scents in a scene. Good when it is something like butterbeer, bad when it is raw sewage, yuck!

I think being such a visual reader is at least in part why I love book to movie adaptations so much. It's very interesting for me to see how much my vision of a world resembles or differentiates from another persons perspective. Also in the cases of where I really can't visualize something it is cool to have at least something to shove into the story should I ever reread it.

Now for my questions:
Are you a visual reader?
 Have you ever been disappointed in a book to movie adaptation?
Was it the story or the changes to the world that disappointed you the most?

 Leave me your answers in the comments below. I love reading your responses!


  1. I also "hear" the voices of characters if the book is very well written. However, that's one of the things I don't like about movie adaptations--the voices in the film rarely match up with the voices I'm hearing as I'm reading!

  2. I'm a visual read as well and that's why I generally don't like movie adaptations - I don't want them to ruin my good books! Enjoyed reading your answer!

  3. I do the same. When I read, I see them. When I write, I see it in my mind, too. I agree, that's why movies from books can often be disappointing! GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie


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