Waiting On Wednesday (69) Day One by Nate Kenyon

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine.
For this weeks Waiting On Wednesday I chose Day One by Nate Kenyon.

Expected Publication:
October 1, 2013 by Thomas Dunne Books

Cloverfield meets The Terminator in this story of one man's escape from New York City as technology becomes sentient

Scandal-plagued hacker journalist John Hawke is hot on the trail of the explosive story that might save his career. James Weller, the former CEO of giant technology company Eclipse, has founded a new start-up, and he’s agreed to let Hawke do a profile on him. Hawke knows something very big is in the works at Eclipse---and he wants to use the profile as a foot in the door to find out more.

After he arrives in Weller’s office in New York City, a seemingly normal day quickly turns into a nightmare as anything with an Internet connection begins to malfunction. Hawke receives a call from his frantic wife just before the phones go dead. Soon he and a small band of survivors are struggling for their very lives as they find themselves thrust into the middle of a war zone---with no obvious enemy in sight.

The bridges and tunnels have been destroyed. New York City is under attack from a deadly and brilliant enemy that can be anywhere and can occupy anything with a computer chip. Somehow Hawke must find a way back to his pregnant wife and young son. Their lives depend upon it . . . and so does the rest of the human race.
Why Am I Waiting? 
Doesn't the plot for Day One sound creepy? What's worse is I can totally see this happening. AI has always freaked me out. Give me a Zombie Apocalypse and I'm fine. I'll kick ass and take names for as long as I can. However, give me AI run amock and I'm the one in the corner sucking on my thumb calling for my mommy. Day One also promises Cloverfield meets Terminator so I'm really interested to see how it pulls off that mash up. 

Since I'm curious, Have you heard of Day One before? 
If so, Do you plan on reading it? 
Do you think one can make a computer too smart?

Sound off in the comments below. I love to read your responses.
That about wraps up my Waiting On Wednesday for this week. Feel free to leave a link to your Wednesday memes in the comments below, I love finding new books to read. Like what you see? Please share!


  1. Cloverfield meets The Terminator does sound like an interesting combo! I love any kind of disaster/survival plot!

    My WOW

  2. How come you always pick books that I have never seen in my life. This one sounds so bad-ass that I must read it. Great pick :)

    Tanja @ Ja čitam, a ti?

  3. yes! creepy. but i like it. this book sounds like a stay up late kind of read. awesome pick :)

    hope you can stop by my WoW.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  4. Super creepy. :) Great pick.
    Here is my WoW

  5. Whoa. Day One sounds awesome. I can't believe it's about to be released, and I've never heard of it. I love that Tess Gerritsen blurb, too. I hope it's an accurate one. :)

  6. This sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Hi everyone--I'm so glad you're intrigued by DAY ONE! I hope you give it a shot--I think you'll find it tons of fun. I love hearing people's feedback, so please, if you read it, drop me a line at nate@natekenyon.com, or tweet at me (twitter.com/natekenyon) or shoot me a FB message (Facebook.com/NateKenyonAuthor), and let me know what you think.


  8. I'm right there with you -- AI totally freaks me out. Weird that zombies are less terrifying to me, too, but there it is. Maybe it's because the AI would be VERY intelligent, whereas zombies run on baser instincts? Hope this one is as creepy as it sounds! :)

  9. WOW. Excellent find Kristin!! I'm with you about AI - super freaky! This sounds like it will be sooo good. I LOVE Cloverfield. Thanks for the heads up on this one!

  10. I haven't heard about this one before, but it sounds great! I will keep an eye on reviews! I love scary reads :)

    My WoW

  11. I've never seen this one! It looks super cool :O

    - Sam @ Falling Books

  12. This sounds terrifying-I don't want my technology coming after me!


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