Book Trailer Tuesday (72) I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga & Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger

Book Trailer Tuesday is a Weekly Blog Post hosted by me at Blood Sweat and Books. Each week I choose two Book Trailers to showcase. One Trailer will be for an upcoming book and the other will be one that has already been released. This week I focus my spotlight on I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga & Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger

Available Now:
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga
What if the world's most notorious serial killer... was your dad?

Jazz is a likeable teenager. A charmer, some might say.

But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer, and for Dear Old Dad, "Take Your Son to Work Day" was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops with they could--from the criminal's point of view.

And now, even though Dad has been in jail for years, bodies are piling up on Lobo's Nod. Again.

In an effort to prove murder doesn't run the family, Jazz joins the police in the hunt for this new serial killer. But Jazz has a secret--could he be more like his father than anyone knows?

Available Today! November 5, 2013
Does one need four fully grown foxgloves for decorating a dinner table for six guests? Or is it six foxgloves to kill four fully grown guests?

Sophronia's first year at Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality has certainly been rousing! For one thing, finishing school is training her to be a spy (won't Mumsy be surprised?). Furthermore, Sophronia got mixed up in an intrigue over a stolen device and had a cheese pie thrown at her in a most horrid display of poor manners.

Now, as she sneaks around the dirigible school, eavesdropping on the teachers' quarters and making clandestine climbs to the ship's boiler room, she learns that there may be more to a school trip to London than is apparent at first. A conspiracy is afoot--one with dire implications for both supernaturals and humans. Sophronia must rely on her training to discover who is behind the dangerous plot-and survive the London Season with a full dance card.

What do you think of the Trailers?
Have you read I Hunt Killers? If so, How did you like it?
Have you started The Finishing School Series? If so, Are you looking forward to Curtsies & Conspiracies?

Just for fun: 
If you could time travel back to the Victorian Era would you?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love reading your responses!
Have a Trailer you would like showcased? Send me an Email. I'm always on the lookout for new book trailers to spotlight.

Like what you see? Please Share! I thank you if you do.
Want to check out past Trailer Tuesdays? Click Here!


  1. I have I Hunt Killers and the first book in the Finishing School series in my possession, but for whatever reason, I haven't gotten to them yet. But I LOOOOOOVE that trailer for Curtsies & Conspiracies! I must start this series now! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I haven't read Etiquette & Espionage yet either. I love,love,love the trailer for Curtsies & Conspiracies though.


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