Blog Tour & Review! Mad World: Desperation by Samaire Provost

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Author: Samaire Provost
Series: Mad World #3
Genre: Horror, Zombies
Publisher: Black Rave Books
Publication Date: October 4, 2013

“Forget what you thought you knew about this story, because everything is about to change."

With Alyssa near death, Luke, Jacob and their companions make a desperate attempt to reach Boston with the final ingredient needed for the plague antidote. They must travel through the Canadian wilderness, some of the roughest country in North America. Along the way they are joined by new friends and old as they fight to reach their destination and save Alyssa. What they don’t know is that something is hunting them. 

Something evil is lurking, waiting to strike when they least expect it. 

After years of fighting courageously against the living plague, they’d thought they knew their enemy. They’d believed their wits, bravery and strength would be enough to win this fight against the threat that had overrun so much of the world they once knew. But they were wrong. 

Now Luke, Risa, Jacob, DeAndre and Jonathan face their most dangerous trials yet as they battle the ever-present zombie threat, along with a new challenge they never saw coming.
Mad World: Desperation is the third book in the series so naturally, I was very excited to read it. While the story certainly was as good as its predecessors the book was not without its faults and ultimately that kept me from enjoying this one to its fullest potential. 

First off, I found the pacing of the story a problem. Everything was rushed and it is noticeable. Scenes that should've been expanded upon progressed rapidly and conversations between characters that ought to have been laying the groundwork for future events felt fluffy instead of displaying urgency or affection. 

Secondly, I really wanted to know more about the Human characters and Zombies that the Team met along the way. Yet again due to the problem mentioned above everything was rushed and very little if any back story was given. It was frustrating because some of these characters certainly felt interesting and I know if probed we could learn a great deal more about how the virus was evolving and how certain people have been surviving all these years.

Lastly, I felt the Horror factor was lacking in this installment. Yes, it is still essentially a Zombie story but it felt much more watered down in terms of deaths, gore and creep factor than the previous two books. 

Now despite all my misgivings mentioned above Mad World: Desperation did do a few things right that ultimately kept me locked into the story. 

Hands down I loved how the Author was able to make me feel sympathy for the Undead. The girl with the mangled foot that they met in (I believe it was) Thunder Bay nearly had me bring a tear to my eye. She was pathetic but desperate and it showed. Also the Zombie mother that they met in the caves was gut wrenching. How awful for her to be "alive" while the one she loved so much gets to rest eternally. 

I also really liked Luke. It was interesting to see things from his vs. Alyssa's pov and I think I might even have found him more enjoyable to "listen" to even. 

Final Thoughts
While Mad World: Desperation could certainly be more cohesive as a whole I did still enjoy it overall. I'm definitely curious how the story will wrap up in the next book that's for sure. With that being said, I will be rating Mad World: Desperation by Samaire Provost ★★★.
*Copy reviewed provided by Author. All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in an which way  for providing them.

Author Bio & Follow Links
Samaire Provost lives in California with her husband and son. Her love of paranormal stories, odd plots, and unique tales as well as the works of Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Susan Cooper, Madeleine L’Engle and Stephen King has deeply influenced her writing. Her upcoming work is a vampire thriller slated to be released in early 2014.

Follow Samaire:Blog * Twitter * Goodreads * Facebook

**Everyone who leaves a comment on the tour page will be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of Mad World: Desperation before  December 16 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries.**


  1. I haven't heard of this series. It's too bad that this one didn't live up to the first two for you but still sounds like a series worth reading.

  2. I have been told by numerous readers that it did indeed live up to the first two. You can't please everybody.


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