Book Trailer Tuesday (75) Death Cloud by Andrew Lane & Hollow City by Ransom Riggs

Book Trailer Tuesday is a Weekly Blog Post hosted by me at Blood Sweat and Books. Each week I choose two Book Trailers to showcase. One Trailer will be for an upcoming book and the other will be one that has already been released. This week I focus my spotlight on Death Cloud by Andrew Lane & Hollow City by Ransom Riggs.

Available Now:
Death Cloud Andrew Lane by
It is the summer of 1868, and Sherlock Holmes is fourteen. On break from boarding school, he is staying with eccentric strangers—his uncle and aunt—in their vast house in Hampshire. When two local people die from symptoms that resemble the plague, Holmes begins to investigate what really killed them, helped by his new tutor, an American named Amyus Crowe. So begins Sherlock’s true education in detection, as he discovers the dastardly crimes of a brilliantly sinister villain of exquisitely malign intent.

Expected Publication:January 14,2014
In 1940 after the first book ends, Jacob and his new Welsh island friends flee to London, the Peculiar capital of the world. Caul, a dangerous madman, is Miss Peregrine’s brother, and can steal Peculiar abilities for himself. The Peculiars must fight for survival, again.

What do you think of the Trailers?
Have you read Death Cloud? If so, How did you like it?
Are you excited about Hollow City? Do you plan on reading it?

Just for fun: 
Are you more of a Sherlock or a Watson?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love reading your responses!
Have a Trailer you would like showcased? Send me an Email. I'm always on the lookout for new book trailers to spotlight.

Like what you see? Please Share! I thank you if you do.
Want to check out past Trailer Tuesdays? Click Here!


  1. I cannot WAIT to get my hands on Hollow City! It's been two years since I've read Miss Peregrine, and I seriously needed this book then. *dies*

    I haven't heard of Death Cloud, but I guess there's nothing to lose by looking into it. :-)

    1. I picked up Death Cloud as an Audiobook this summer during Audiobooksync and what I've listened to is good. I just need to finish it someday,lol.

  2. Oh, wow. I have Miss Peregrine's but I haven't read it yet. That trailer is beyond awesome, though. That's how they should all be done. Now I HAVE to go read the first book so I'm ready for Hollow City! And I haven't read Death Cloud but I picked up the audio over the summer. I think I'm more of a Watson who wishes she was a Sherlock. :P

    1. I think you'll love Miss Peregrine's when you read it. I like the way you described yourself as a Watson who wishes she was a Sherlock nothing wrong with that at all :)


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